6414 results found
Health topics
… Screening for Weight Problems Staying With Your Eating Plan When Your Schedule Shifts Tips for Avoiding Unplanned … Changing Your Eating Habits Healthy Eating: Getting Support When Changing Your Eating Habits Healthy Eating: Helping … Eating Habits Healthy Eating: Making Healthy Choices When You Eat Out Healthy Eating: Making Healthy Choices When …
Health topics
… themselves. This type of exercise should be done even when a child has acute inflammation and pain, as it is … Isotonic exercises can be done with or without weights. When arthritis is less active, isotonic exercises can help regain or improve muscle strength. When children with JIA have less active disease, they should …
Health topics
… L (1 qt) to 2 L (2 qt) of fluid during 1 hour of exercise. When you are not drinking enough fluids, your muscles get … Drink plenty of water every day. Take water with you when you exercise. Avoid alcoholic drinks, which increase … Exercise early in the day or later in the evening when it is cooler. Dehydration Energy …
Health topics
… place. And they learn that life is more pleasant when rules are followed. When parents are not consistent, children do not know what … lives. Being responsive Responsive parents provide help when needed and unlimited, unconditional love. They actively …
Health topics
… irritated bumps on the skin. They happen after you shave, when strands of hair curl back on themselves and grow into … cream. How can you help prevent them? These tips can help when you shave: Moisten your skin with water and mild soap … the pores. Use a thick shaving gel. Don't stretch the skin when you shave. Always shave in the direction the hair is …
Health topics
… idea to talk to your doctor. This is especially important when you are older than 65 or have health problems, such as high blood pressure or heart disease. Getting started When you are ready to start, try these light exercise … you are sitting. You need to be in a firm chair when you do these exercises. Remember to breathe as you do …
Health topics
… the eyelid. Most styes occur along the edge of the eyelid. When a stye occurs inside the eyelid, it is called an … of the tiny oil glands inside the eyelid. A chalazion forms when an oil gland in the eyelid becomes blocked. If an … hands first. Protect your eyes from dust and air pollution when you can. For example, wear safety glasses when you do …
Medical tests
… by the adrenal glands . Aldosterone levels tell the kidneys when to hold sodium in the body instead of passing it in the … Small amounts of sodium are also lost through the skin when you sweat. Most foods have sodium naturally in them or … test takes The test will take a few minutes. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Medical tests
Healthy eating
… Document Vietnamese Cancer prevention eating guidelines When it comes to lowering your risk of getting cancer, there … sugar supply a lot of calories that most people don’t need. When we eat and drink these foods regularly, it increases … with higher amounts of fat, sugar, and salt. Decide how and when these foods fit into your plans to reduce your risk. …