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6409 results found
Health topics
… or a female family member who was diagnosed before age 65. Your age, sex, and race can also raise your risk. For example, your risk increases as you get older. You can help prevent …
Health topics
… instead of one large one. Recovery time is faster. You and your doctor will think about several things in deciding … These include: The location and extent of the disease. Your general health. Whether you have scar tissue in the area from previous surgery. Your doctor's expertise and experience. Sometimes a …
Health topics
… than styes. If a chalazion gets large enough, it may affect your vision. The inflammation and swelling may spread to the … a stye is not getting better with home treatment, talk to your doctor. You may need a prescription for antibiotic eye … (lance) it so it can drain and heal. Do not try to lance it yourself. If a chalazion does not go away or if it gets …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … Results Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A testicular … or hospital. Before the test, you'll need to take off all your clothes from the waist down. You will put on a gown. You'll be asked to lie on your back on a padded table. Folded towels will be used to …
Medical tests
… This test might be done if you have high iron levels in your blood. This test helps to find out if you have … gene test. You may worry that test results could affect your future employment options or the cost or availability … the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act (GNA). It protects your genetic information. You may want to talk to a genetic …
Medical tests
… the CT scanner, which is a large doughnut-shaped machine. Your head will be positioned inside the scanner. The CT … dye called contrast material may be put in a vein ( IV ) in your arm or into the spinal canal. The dye makes structures … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you get …
Health topics
… piece of silicone sponge, rubber, or semi-hard plastic that your eye doctor ( ophthalmologist ) places on the outside of … or general anesthesia may be used. Before the surgery, your eye doctor may patch both of your eyes and have you stay in bed to keep the detachment …
Health topics
… Zika virus. If you plan to travel, you can learn about your risk in the area you're travelling to. Contact: The … more. The U.S. CDC at its website ( ). Your doctor or local health unit. How is it spread? Zika is … usually go away on their own after about a week. Treating your symptoms may help you feel better. Avoid ASA and other …
Health topics
… the wall of the vagina. Both conditions are easy for your doctor to see during a physical examination. They often … during sexual intercourse. Surgery is not required unless your symptoms interfere with daily activities. Unless … with a catheter in place. You can most likely return to your normal activities in about 6 weeks. Avoid strenuous …