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Health topics
… the piercing is and how thick the tissue is at the site. Your own ability to heal can also affect healing time. … or irritated or if scar tissue forms. You may need to see your doctor if your piercing does not seem to be healing. Related …
Health topics
… sparks, or flickers of light, particularly when you move your eyes or head. The flashes of light may be easier to see … . New floaters —shadows or dark objects that float across your visual field. Sudden development of floaters may be a … of a retinal tear. A dark curtain or veil across part of your visual field. This may occur with retinal detachment. …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Ischemia means your heart muscle is not getting enough blood and oxygen. It … This is called silent ischemia. Ischemia can happen when your heart needs more oxygen because it is working harder … feel stressed. Ischemia may go away when you rest because your heart is getting enough blood and oxygen. Related …
Health topics
… include pain, pinching, and stiffness when you raise your arm. These symptoms are often brought on by doing … from bursitis or a tendon injury can keep you from moving your shoulder. Over time it can lead to stiffness and a … or repeated overhead reaching. But continue to use your shoulder. During specific sports activities: Use proper …
Health topics
… of urine. Bladder infections during pregnancy may increase your risk of kidney infections , miscarriage , and having a … can become blocked by a blood clot or bladder stone . Call your doctor if you are unable to urinate during your pregnancy. Pregnancy-Related …
Health topics
… starting to walk is any time between 9 and 15 months. When your toddler reaches a developmental milestone, such as … advance to another skill. For example, about 6 months after your child has learned to walk with ease, he or she will … hands, fingers, and wrists. With these fine-motor skills, your child can start to draw with crayons, eat with a spoon, …
Health topics
… it does, the child believes they caused it to happen. If your child is mad at a friend and wants them to leave, and the friend then gets sick and goes to the hospital, your child may think the illness is your child's fault. Growth and …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a …
Health topics
… gels, and suppositories. You insert the spermicide into your vagina. Spermicide can be used alone but it is usually … out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. Be sure to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines … It is safe to use while breastfeeding. It doesn't affect your menstrual cycle. What are the disadvantages of using …
Health topics
… stimulation is done in two steps. To see if it will help your pain, your doctor will first insert a temporary electrode through … that the patient can control. If the trial is successful, your doctor can implant a permanent stimulator under your