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6409 results found
Health topics
… surgery might help reduce or get rid of symptoms related to your low back problem. Although research shows that surgery … is not meant for people in emergency situations. Talk to your doctor right away if you have numbness, weakness, or … symptoms such as leg pain, numbness, or weakness, talk to your doctor about what steps you can take. If surgery is …
Health topics
… any sensation in the portion of the limb that was removed (your "phantom" limb) that the limb might have experienced … treatments. You may try a range of medicines to help with your pain. This may include over-the-counter medicines like … Mirror therapy. This involves using a mirror to reflect your unaffected limb so that you "see" painless movement in …
Health topics
… and their daily routine soon after surgery. In some cases, your doctor may suggest a rehabilitation program. This may … in an office, you may go back to work in a week or two. If your job requires physical labour (such as lifting or … allow you to regain normal movement and function. You and your doctor may consider surgery if: You have very bad leg …
Health topics
… more small incisions for inserting other surgical tools. If your doctor recommends a laparoscopy, it will be to: View … a hospital stay of 1 day. You probably can return to your normal activities in 1 week, but it may take longer. … or returning endometriosis. Infertility If infertility is your primary concern, your doctor may use laparoscopy to …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done You will need to … is usually taken from the front, back, top, and sides of your head. Hold your head completely still while the pictures are being …
Medical tests
… Results Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a guide. Your doctor will also look at your results based on your
Health topics
… methods of spinal fusion. Bone is taken from elsewhere in your body or obtained from a bone bank. Or sometimes … Bedrest usually isn't needed while you recover at home. Your doctor may recommend that you wear a back brace while … As you decide about having spinal fusion, talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks. Risks The risks of …
Health topics
… insulation, drywall, carpet, and fabrics. Control mould in your home. Clean bathroom surfaces with soap and water, … or liquid bleach mixed with water. If you have mould in your home, remove it with one of these methods. Use bleach … Avoiding Indoor Triggers Asthma in Children Asthma in Teenagers and Adults Current as of: March 2, 2023 …
Health topics
… receive a minor electrical shock. You may feel tingling in your hand or arm. Usually, this tingling goes away in a few … the skin or other symptoms, there is no reason to worry. If your skin is burned by electricity, there is cause for … where it leaves the body. When electricity passes though your body, the electricity may injure blood vessels, nerves, …
Health topics
… one, an opportunity, or a valued way of life. If you find yourself feeling guilty about a past action or inaction, set aside time to think about your feelings and work through the following exercise. Write … you never properly thanked for an act of kindness. Forgive yourself for those regrets that you cannot act on to …