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Health topics
… you manage pain and avoid medications.   Take time with your partner to get familiar with the various options before you start your labour. These positions may help you to manage pain and avoid medications. Your partner can remain involved and supportive by helping …
Health topics
… Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet can help you lower your blood pressure. It includes eating fruits, vegetables, … low in both saturated fat and total fat will help lower your blood pressure. Although you need some fat in your diet, limit how much saturated fat you eat. These fats …
Medical tests
… 2 to 5 days before this test. This helps to make sure that your sperm count will be at its highest. It also makes the … alcohol for a few days before the test. Be sure to tell your doctor about any medicines or natural health products … You can do this in a private room or in a washroom at your doctor's office or clinic. If you live close to your
Medical tests
… Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a guide. Your doctor will also look at your results based on your
Health topics
… wear compression bandages or stockings after the procedure. Your doctor will tell you how long to wear them. … what type of sclerosant is used. Another technique allows your doctor to inject sclerosant with a catheter. This is … be able to walk right away. Avoid strenuous exercise until your doctor says it's okay. This may be for 2 weeks. Walk …
Health topics
… chance of preventing HIV from multiplying, which allows your immune system to stay healthy. The goal of … antiretroviral therapy is to reduce the amount of virus in your body (viral load) to a level that can no longer be … provinces. For information on which medicines are used in your province, talk with your doctor. Other drug …
Health topics
… finding on an MRI scan alone is not enough to diagnose MS. Your doctor will confirm a diagnosis of MS based on your symptoms, your neurological examination, and the results from an MRI …
Medical tests
… Urodynamic testing is a group of tests that show how your body stores and releases urine. The type of test varies … Sometimes X-rays are taken during a test. If they are, your bladder may be filled with fluid that will show up on … test will take depends on the type of test you have. Ask your doctor how long your specific test or tests should …
Health topics
… is safe if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Check with your doctor before taking ginkgo. Taking ginkgo may increase … by the NNHPD before they can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if … are thinking about combining a natural health product with your conventional medical treatment. It may not be safe to …
Health topics
… 24 and 28 weeks. footnote 1 After delivery Even though your gestational diabetes will probably go away after your baby is born, you are at risk for having the condition … glucose tolerance test 6 weeks to 6 months weeks after your baby is born. footnote 1 If the results of this test …