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1625 results found
Medical tests
… blood vessels in the kidneys and then is excreted into the urine. A special camera (gamma) takes pictures of the tracer … shape and size of the kidneys, and a scan that looks at how urine is made and flows out of the kidneys. Sometimes a … for the tracer to move through the kidney, collect in the urine, and drain into the bladder can also be seen in a …
Health topics
… kidney stones are made of uric acid, a waste product in urine. You're more likely to have uric acid stones if you have: Low urine output. A diet high in animal protein, such as red … have a condition that results in too much cystine in the urine (cystinuria). Kidney Stone …
Health topics
… placed around the urethra to support it and help it retain urine. Your urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body. There are … You will have the catheter for a short time. It allows urine to drain while you recover. Or you may be taught to do …
Medical tests
… is usually done to look for the cause of blood in the urine. Why It Is Done An IVP is done to: Identify diseases … of the urinary tract. Find the cause of blood in the urine. Look for damage to the urinary tract after an injury. … in children to see if they may have an abnormal backflow of urine ( vesicoureteral reflux ). Prepare your child for …
Health topics
… a cystoscope or scope. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The … Drink lots of fluids to help with the burning. Your urine also may look pink for up to 2 to 3 weeks after … a cystoscope or scope. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The …
Medical tests
… before you collect the stool. That way, you won't get any urine in the stool sample. Do not urinate while you pass the … your gloves and after you take them off. Pass stool (but no urine) into a dry container. You may be given a plastic … may be taken from diapers (if the stool does not have urine mixed with it). Or a narrow tube may be put into the …
Health topics
… of a bladder or kidney infection such as: Cloudy or pink urine or bloodstains on underclothes. Urinating more often … your visit. Write down when wettings occur and how much urine is released. In some cases, further testing may be needed. Tests may include: A urine culture to find out if your child has a bladder or …
Health topics
… Has increasing trouble urinating. Has blood in his or her urine. An injury can also damage the urinary tract . The … Has increasing trouble urinating. Has blood in his or her urine. An injury can also damage the urinary tract . The …
Medical tests
… chemicals it produces, such as cotinine—in your blood or urine. It's usually done by testing a sample of your blood or urine. The test is used to see if you smoke or use other … than 2 weeks for the levels of cotinine in your blood and urine to drop. Quitting Smoking …