1625 results found
Health topics
… to remove the section of prostate tissue that is blocking urine flow. Other types of surgery include: Plasma … small number of men say they are unable to hold back their urine after surgery. Out of 100 men who have TURP, about 1 reports not being able to control urine flow. That means about 99 out of 100 men are able to …
Health topics
… antihistamines or blood pressure medicines, that increase urine output. Find it harder to eat a healthy diet. Early … and eyes may be drier than usual. The person may pass less urine than usual. The person may feel cranky, tired, or … to think clearly (severe dehydration). You may pass less urine than usual (mild dehydration), or you may not be …
Health topics
… pieces. These pieces can then pass out of the body in the urine. You may get medicine to make you relaxed and help … After the procedure, stone fragments usually pass in the urine for a few days and cause mild pain. If you have a … who has a kidney stone that is causing pain or blocking the urine flow. Stones that are between 4 mm (0.16 in.) and 2 cm …
… to control your urination. It helps to reduce leaking of urine, feelings of needing to urinate right away, and … as burning/painful/frequent urination, fever, pink/bloody urine) mental/mood changes (such as confusion, … to control your urination. It helps to reduce leaking of urine, feelings of needing to urinate right away, and …
Medical tests
… before you collect the stool. That way, you won't get any urine in the stool sample. Do not urinate while you pass the … hands after you take off your gloves. Pass stool (but no urine) into a dry container. You may be given a plastic … may be taken from diapers (if the stool does not have urine mixed with it). Sometimes a stool sample is collected …
Health topics
… may include difficulty urinating, uncontrolled release of urine ( urinary incontinence ), and pain during sexual … If you are experiencing uncontrolled release of urine (urinary incontinence), further testing may be needed … may include difficulty urinating, uncontrolled release of urine ( urinary incontinence ), and pain during sexual …
Health topics
… the following: You may be more thirsty than usual. Your urine may be darker than usual. Symptoms of moderate … usual. Your mouth and eyes may be drier than usual. Your urine may be much darker than usual. You may pass little or no urine for 8 or more hours. You may feel dizzy when you stand …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Absorbent products are items that absorb urine, such as adult diapers, plastic-coated underwear, … comfortable. And they are designed to reduce the odour of urine. What To Expect Absorbent products do not cure … way to relieve the embarrassment and discomfort of urine leakage. Risks When using absorbent products: The area …
Health topics
… A strong urge to urinate, which can also cause leaking of urine. This usually gets better within weeks or months. Complete or partial inability to hold back urine (incontinence). Current as of: March 1, 2023 … A strong urge to urinate, which can also cause leaking of urine. This usually gets better within weeks or months. …
Health topics
… through the urethra into the bladder. It allows the urine to drain out. A straight catheter is used for … fits over the penis and is attached to a tube that collects urine. With a condom catheter , you don't need to insert … checked often. And skin can get irritated from contact with urine. What To Expect Catheterization may cause some …