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1625 results found
Health topics
… With this bladder problem, you may leak a large amount of urine that can soak your clothes or run down your legs. Urge … so hard that the sphincter muscle can't hold back the urine. It may be caused by urinary tract infections, … help. They strengthen the muscles that control the flow of urine. Treatment may also include medicines or surgery. …
Health topics
… to see the inside of your bladder. He or she may also do a urine test to rule out other problems, such as a urinary … To help your bladder get used to comfortably holding more urine, you can slowly increase the time between when you … diary to record how often you urinate and about how much urine is released. How can you care for yourself at home? …
Health topics
… on one side Belly pain Pain when you urinate Blood in your urine When to take a pregnancy test Exactly when you can … false negative result. That's because levels of hCG in your urine may be too low for the test to find. Blood pregnancy … tests are done Pregnancy tests use a sample of your urine or blood to know if you're pregnant. Here's how the …
Health topics
… Overview A suprapubic catheter is a thin tube that drains urine from your bladder. The tube is put into your bladder through a small cut in your lower belly. The urine collects in a bag attached to the tube. The bag is … the catheter tube has a valve that lets you drain the urine into the toilet or other container. You may need a …
Health topics
… of the prostate heals, it shrinks, reducing the blockage of urine flow. This treatment is done in a single session. It … It Works One study showed that TUMT improved symptoms and urine flow better than the alpha-blocker terazosin when … 1 Studies find that TUMT does not improve symptoms and urine flow as much as TURP does. footnote 1 Risks The main …
Health topics
… (VUR)? Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is the backward flow of urine from the bladder into the kidneys . Normally, urine flows from the kidneys through the ureters to the … of the bladder and ureters, along with the pressure of urine in the bladder, prevent urine from flowing backward …
Health topics
… tube—through the urethra into the bladder and allow the urine to drain out. It is done at scheduled times, and the … includes a catheter, a mirror, a container to collect the urine, disposable gloves, and cleansing equipment, such as … or lying down. Position the end of the catheter so that urine can flow out into a collection container. If you wish, …
Health topics
… past month, how often have you found it hard to hold your urine? Over the past month, how often have you had a weak urine stream? Over the past month, how often have you had to … For question number 4, a man who found it hard to hold his urine less than once out of every 5 times would get 1 point …
Health topics
… tube—through the urethra into the bladder and allow the urine to drain out. It is done at scheduled times, and the … a water-based lubricant, a container to collect the urine, disposable gloves, and cleansing equipment, such as … use an antiseptic. Position the end of the catheter so that urine can flow out into a collection container. Lubricate …
Health topics
… pelvic floor muscles stronger. These muscles control your urine flow and help hold your pelvic organs in place. … Kegels for: Stress incontinence. This means leaking urine when you laugh, cough, sneeze, jog, or lift something … that can weaken pelvic floor muscles. And that can cause urine control problems. It can also result in uterine …