4892 results found
Health topics
Health topics
… may also learn that your baby is breech when he or she checks your cervix . How is breech position treated? … may also learn that your baby is breech when he or she checks your cervix . How is breech position treated? …
Health topics
… To use the plan, move through it step-by-step. So first, check your warning signs. Then try your own coping … To use the plan, move through it step-by-step. So first, check your warning signs. Then try your own coping …
Health topics
… sugar right away so that it doesn't harm you or your baby. Checking your blood sugar helps you manage your diabetes … confusion. Always carry a list of the symptoms with you. Check your blood sugar often. This is the best way to know … list of the symptoms at home and at work. Show them how to check your blood sugar if you can't check it yourself. Keep …
… this medication should be used, how to use it, and how to check for side effects/seizure control. Before using, check the syringe for the correct dose. Your pharmacist … a different syringe. Cracks can appear over time, so keep checking your syringes to make sure you have good ones ready …
Health topics
… before he or she starts playing a sport. The doctor can check for illness or any problems with your child's lungs, … helmet for bike riding. You don't have to buy all new gear. Check out low-cost or loaner sports gear options like … football and hockey pads, shin guards for soccer, athletic cups, and sliding shorts for baseball and softball. Braces …
Health topics
… require you to push against a heavy resistance (like push-ups), are not safe for people with heart failure; these … require you to push against a heavy resistance (like push-ups), are not safe for people with heart failure; these …
Health topics
… over your medical treatment decisions at the end of life. Check the laws governing advance care plans in your province … fluids, or medicines can be given through a feeding tube. A third form of artificial hydration, hypodermoclysis, … care, including people from work, church, or community groups. In many larger communities, private case management …
… Side Effects Sore throat, nausea, tiredness, stomach upset, or muscle pain may occur. Fever, loss of appetite, … This medication may interfere with certain laboratory tests (including allergy skin testing), possibly causing … Side Effects Sore throat, nausea, tiredness, stomach upset, or muscle pain may occur. Fever, loss of appetite, …
Health topics
… of eating late at night). People with this problem feel upset about their night eating. People with night eating … along with sleep problems, so your doctor may want to do tests of your sleep (polysomnography). How is night eating … of eating late at night). People with this problem feel upset about their night eating. People with night eating …