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Health topics
… ). Food poisoning . Medicines, such as antibiotics, birth control pills, or heart medicines. Pregnancy. " … or vomiting No Nausea or vomiting How old are you? 11 years or younger 11 years or younger 12 to 55 years 12 to 55 … have symptoms of shock? The symptoms in an adult or older child are different than the symptoms in a young child . Yes …
Health topics
… get it. Your baby has a better chance of being healthy at birth if you get treatment while you're pregnant. If an … infected, a combination of antibiotics lowers the risk of birth defects and may cure the infection. Sulfadiazine plus … have been infected with toxoplasmosis have no symptoms at birth. If your baby has the infection, he or she will need …
Health topics
… raised tan spots that form a crusty appearance like a wart. Birthmarks. Birthmarks are coloured marks on the skin that are there at … Acne is a common skin change that occurs during the teen years and may last into adulthood. Melasma is a skin change …
Health topics
… your diarrhea is gone, you may eat a regular diet again. Children 2 years old or younger are at high risk of dehydration from diarrhea. If your child has diarrhea: Give your child a solution of WHO …
HealthLinkBC files
… everyone 6 months of age and older. Those younger than 2 years of age will need to receive the inactivated influenza … risk of serious illness from influenza. This includes: All children 2 years to less than 5 years of age Children 5 to 17 years of age with certain medical …
Health topics
… to light. Severe reactions are most likely to occur in children and small adults. Severe toxic reactions to the … No Marine sting or scrape How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 years or older 12 years or older … have symptoms of shock? The symptoms in an adult or older child are different than the symptoms in a young child . Yes …
Health topics
… most autologous transplants use stem cells from blood. In a child, the decision whether to use cells from the bone marrow or the blood depends on the child's size. Using your own stem cells in a transplant is … to prevent infection. Your immune system may take 1 to 2 years or longer to recover after a transplant. Bone marrow …
… if you smoke cigarettes/use tobacco and are over 35 years old. Smoking raises your risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and high blood pressure from hormonal birth control (such as the pill, patch, ring). The risk of … not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …
… if you smoke cigarettes/use tobacco and are over 35 years old. Smoking raises your risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and high blood pressure from hormonal birth control (such as the pill, patch, ring). The risk of … not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …
Health topics
… your risk for a heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years. Your doctor may use a tool called a risk calculator … stroke. Here are their chances of having one in the next 10 years: footnote 6 , footnote 1 Without aspirin, about 20 out … These estimates apply to people who are younger than 70 years old. footnote 3 Risks Chance of serious bleeding in …