1717 results found
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… Understanding How Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Can Affect Children On this page: Overview Overview Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are things that happen before …
Health topics
… range from mild to severe. Stuttering that starts during a child's early language-learning years (ages 2 through 7 … . It's a normal part of language development. Most children aren't bothered by it and may not even notice that … Draw out (prolong) a sound or syllable. For example, a child may say "I am fffive years old." Try to say a word or …
Health topics
… are trapped there. Ear infections happen mostly to young children. They're the most common kind of ear infection in children. What causes them? Middle ear infections are caused … earache. It can be mild or may hurt a lot. Babies and young children may be fussy. They may pull at their ears and cry. …
Health topics
… good appetite, salty skin, and diarrhea. Other symptoms in children may include clubbing (rounding and flattening) of … signs of the disease during a routine examination. If your child has a positive screening test or symptoms of CF, the … a sweat test and a genetic test. How is CF treated? After a child is diagnosed with CF, a team of health professionals …
Health topics
… not a disease. In most cases, a fever means that your child has a minor illness. Often you must look at your child's other symptoms to find out how serious the illness is. It may be scary when your child's temperature goes up. But a fever isn't harmful. …
Health topics
… HIV Treatment in Children On this page: Overview Overview … immune system. This is the body's natural defence system. A child can become infected with HIV if he or she is exposed … is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). But if your child has HIV, it doesn't mean that he or she has AIDS. How …
Health topics
… Basics What is Kawasaki disease? Kawasaki disease is a rare childhood illness that affects the blood vessels. The … can be severe for several days. But with treatment, most children return to normal activities. Kawasaki disease can … arteries, which carry blood to the heart muscle. Most children who are treated recover from the disease without …
Health topics
… Is it normal for a child to bite? Most children younger than age 3 bite someone else at least once. Most children stop biting on their own. Biting that happens past …
Health topics
… Binge Eating Disorder Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens Bipolar Disorder in Children: Other Health Problems That May Occur Bipolar … Condition Making a Change That Matters Making a Suicide Safety Plan Making Your Change Happen Managing Relationship …
Health topics
… is a genetic condition. It affects a baby's development. Children who have it may share similar features and health issues. They may learn to talk later than other children and have some intellectual disability. But every … the extra chromosome to happen. What are the symptoms? Children with Down syndrome may share similar features, such …