2964 results found
Health topics
… the nose. An object in the nose. This is more common in children, who may put things up their noses. Medical … occur after a sudden illness or injury. Adults and older children often have several symptoms of shock. These … quickly after a sudden illness or injury. Babies and young children often have several symptoms of shock. These …
Health topics
… sexual problems or make you unable to have biological children. But if you had these problems before treatment, … about sexual problems or whether you can have biological children. You can choose to get an artificial, or … you comfort, such as spending time outdoors or being with children. A cancer support group. Cancer support groups …
Health topics
… Equally important More important We plan to have more children, and leukemia, Hodgkin's, or sickle cell disease runs in our family. We don't plan to have any more children. More important Equally important More important My … to a public blood bank for use in research or to help other children. True You're right. Depending on where you live, …
Health topics
… Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children Rash, Age 11 and Younger Rash, Age 12 and Older … Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children Rash, Age 11 and Younger Rash, Age 12 and Older …
Health topics
… body, such as in some squamous cell carcinomas . Occurs in children. How Well It Works Mohs surgery can be an effective … body, such as in some squamous cell carcinomas . Occurs in children. How Well It Works Mohs surgery can be an effective …
Health topics
… two tests usually aren't done for babies or very young children. What can you do about lactose intolerance? If you … two tests usually aren't done for babies or very young children. What can you do about lactose intolerance? If you …
Health topics
… be candidates for epilepsy surgery. Others, particularly children, may respond well to a special diet. If drugs do … be candidates for epilepsy surgery. Others, particularly children, may respond well to a special diet. If drugs do …
Health topics
… severe damage to the intestine, which can be deadly. Some children may have ongoing problems with digestion, growth, … severe damage to the intestine, which can be deadly. Some children may have ongoing problems with digestion, growth, …
Health topics
… . The illness can be dangerous in older adults and young children, especially babies who aren't old enough to have … . The illness can be dangerous in older adults and young children, especially babies who aren't old enough to have …
Health topics
… during a relapse. Think about: Who will take care of your children if you have any. Who will manage your money and … during a relapse. Think about: Who will take care of your children if you have any. Who will manage your money and …