4750 results found
Medical tests
… can be done two ways. In a transabdominal ultrasound, a small hand-held device called a transducer is moved over … turned on your side. A gel will be spread on your belly. A small, hand-held device called a transducer will be pressed … Abnormal: The fetus is growing more slowly than normal, is small, or is less developed than it should be for its age. …
Health topics
… reasons you may choose to adopt. Families may already have children and want to grow their family. Some people may … adoption has the potential to provide loving homes for children. Adoption can establish meaningful relationships … and legal considerations. You may wonder about the children who are available for adoption. The resources below …
Health topics
… Ages 6 to 10 Years On this page: Overview Overview Children between ages 6 and 10 years make major gains in … same times for both sexes. Team sports are a good way for children to build both motor skills and friendships. Most children's basic motor skills, such as kicking, catching, …
Medical tests
… that holds about 4 L (1 gal) . The container has a small amount of preservative in it. Urinate into a small, clean container. Then pour the urine into the large … that holds about 4 L (1 gal) . The container has a small amount of preservative in it. Urinate into a small, …
Health topics
… (anoscope) into the anus. The hemorrhoid is grasped with a small tool. Then a device places a rubber band around the … You may need pain medicine during this time. You may have a small amount of bleeding from your anus about 7 to 10 days … (anoscope) into the anus. The hemorrhoid is grasped with a small tool. Then a device places a rubber band around the …
Medical tests
… hold sodium in the body instead of passing it in the urine. Small amounts of sodium are also lost through the skin when … a problem from this test. When a blood sample is taken, a small bruise may form at the site. Results Each lab has a … hold sodium in the body instead of passing it in the urine. Small amounts of sodium are also lost through the skin when …
Health topics
… within and around the hiatus. In a sliding hiatal hernia, a small part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm and … to try: Change your eating habits. It's best to eat several small meals instead of two or three large meals. After you … within and around the hiatus. In a sliding hiatal hernia, a small part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm and …
Health topics
… of the feet. The rash usually consists of reddish brown, small, solid, flat or raised skin sores that are less than 2 … be a lighter colour than the skin around them. There may be small, open sores on mucous membranes. The sores may contain … of the feet. The rash usually consists of reddish brown, small, solid, flat or raised skin sores that are less than 2 …
… not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet … not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …
Health topics
… another season, ocean plastic being turned into clothing, children playing. Hopefully this exercise was helpful. But … doctor, searching online, or calling your local suicide prevention hotline and asking them for more info. If there … doctor, searching online, or calling your local suicide prevention hotline and asking them for more info. If there …