4750 results found
Medical tests
… your arm where the radioactive tracer will be injected. A small amount of the radioactive tracer is then injected. … are rare. Anytime you're exposed to radiation, there's a small chance of damage to cells or tissue. That's the case … and water. The amount of radiation in the tracer is very small. This means it isn't a risk for people to be around …
Health topics
… Relax slowly. Repeat 8 to 12 times. You may need to place a small pillow under your stomach for comfort. Related … Relax slowly. Repeat 8 to 12 times. You may need to place a small pillow under your stomach for comfort. Related …
Health topics
… check your prostate for swelling and tenderness. May use a small scope to look at the walls of your rectum for … check your prostate for swelling and tenderness. May use a small scope to look at the walls of your rectum for …
Health topics
… "lap-uh-ROSS-kuh-pee") is a type of surgery that uses very small cuts. These cuts are called incisions. The doctor puts … "lap-uh-ROSS-kuh-pee") is a type of surgery that uses very small cuts. These cuts are called incisions. The doctor puts …
Health topics
… put on a lot of weight this month. Your baby is still small enough to change position a lot—from head-down to … put on a lot of weight this month. Your baby is still small enough to change position a lot—from head-down to …
Health topics
… Biopsy Breast augmentation Breast reduction surgery Biopsy Small incision made in the breast to check a lump Not …
Health topics
… as waking often or sleeping more or less than usual. Even children in severe pain may take short naps because they are … while walking), kicking, clinging, or not moving. Some children may deny that they are in pain because they are … mean blood tests, which may be painful themselves. Some children may try to ignore their pain rather than take …
Medical tests
… If the needle is in the right spot in the spinal canal, a small amount of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) will drip from the … whether the fluid is clear, cloudy, or bloody. Several small samples of fluid are collected and sent to the lab for … CSF all the time and replaces it 2 or 3 times a day, the small amount of fluid that is removed will be quickly …
… affected area and dry well. Wait 10 minutes, then apply a small amount of medication to the affected skin, using just … temperature. Do not freeze. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet … affected area and dry well. Wait 10 minutes, then apply a small amount of medication to the affected skin, using just …
… is used to treat a certain type of lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer-NSCLC). Capmatinib works by slowing … thrown away after 6 weeks. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet … is used to treat a certain type of lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer-NSCLC). Capmatinib works by slowing …