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383 results found
Health topics
… High blood pressure. Your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is low and/or your triglyceride level is high. A … Check your blood pressure. Do a blood test to check your cholesterol levels. Test your blood sugar regularly to check … fat you eat, such as saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. Cut calories. Limit sweets. For help, see the …
Health topics
… used as a source of energy by your body. Lipids include cholesterol , triglycerides , high-density lipoprotein (HDL) … low-density lipoprotein (LDL) . This panel measures: Total cholesterol level. Triglyceride level. HDL cholesterol level. This is the "good" cholesterol. LDL …
Health topics
… that runs in families. It causes very high levels of cholesterol . This condition can cause a person to get … lipid disorders are not common. Your doctor may look at cholesterol levels and family history to check if you or … disorder. For example, your doctor may check for: Very high cholesterol levels. For example, LDL cholesterol might be …
Health topics
… high triglycerides , elevated blood sugar, and low HDL cholesterol . Together, this group of health problems … for high triglycerides High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Men: Less than 1.0 mmol/L Women: Less than 1.3 mmol/L Or taking medicine for low HDL cholesterol Blood pressure. 130/85 mm Hg or higher, or …
Health topics
… anyone who is concerned about high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Plaque buildup can have long-term effects on … right for you. To learn more, explore these topics: High Cholesterol High Blood Pressure Cholesterol and Triglycerides Tests Ischemia Peripheral …
Health topics
… of statins. Why are statins used? Statins are used to lower cholesterol and the risk for a heart attack and stroke. How do they work? Statins lower the amount of cholesterol in your blood by reducing how much cholesterol your body makes. Along with lowering cholesterol
Health topics
… called "hardening of the arteries." It occurs when fat (cholesterol) and calcium build up inside the lining of the … artery is damaged. It might be damaged by things like high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, or smoking. Cholesterol in the blood moves into the wall of the artery …
Health topics
… foods that are high in this fat may help lower your bad cholesterol, raise your good cholesterol, and lower your chances of getting coronary … palm oil, and cocoa butter. Saturated fat can raise your cholesterol. Limit saturated fat. …
Health topics
… a statin might be right for you. Your risk is based on your cholesterol levels, your blood pressure, your age and … a few things to figure out your risk. These include: Your cholesterol numbers. Your blood pressure. Whether you have … How do statins work? Statins lower the amount of bad (LDL) cholesterol in your blood. Cholesterol is a type of fat in …
… is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It belongs to a group of … known as "statins." It works by reducing the amount of cholesterol made by the liver. Lowering "bad" cholesterol