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1641 results found
Health topics
… Affairs Canada for advice or information about clinics and hospitals that offer after-hours or weekend hours. "See a … my medical records and see this." Doctors, counsellors, hospitals, and clinics take privacy seriously. They won't … off in a crowded street, seeing badly injured people in a hospital, or just being scared because you were in …
Health topics
… and treatment when needed. If your baby is still in the hospital and has signs of jaundice, your doctor or nurse may … light therapy (phototherapy). This is usually given in the hospital. In very mild cases, you may treat your baby at … and stool. Set up a routine checkup before you leave the hospital. Jaundice is usually at its worst around day 5, so …
Health topics
… doctor. A social worker can recommend a support group. Some hospitals have "patient navigators" who can help you get the … may be able to recommend trustworthy websites. And many hospitals have medical libraries that are open to the … things about cancer treatment. Most doctors, labs, and hospitals are busy, and you may not want to bother them. But …
Medical tests
… It Is Done A cardiac perfusion scan is usually done in a hospital radiology or nuclear medicine department, in a … remove your clothing above the waist. You will be given a hospital gown to wear. Electrodes might be attached to your … medicine The stress scan is done in two parts. In many hospitals, the first images are taken while the person is at …
Health topics