3740 results found
Health topics
… When you prepare for each visit, it helps your doctor give you better care and helps both of you make the most of … When you prepare for each visit, it helps your doctor give you better care and helps both of you make the most of …
Health topics
… your partner is worried about having sex. Your doctor can give you support and advice. COPD … your partner is worried about having sex. Your doctor can give you support and advice. COPD …
Health topics
… is one of the best ways to practice stopping, asking, and choosing your thoughts. It makes you aware of your … is one of the best ways to practice stopping, asking, and choosing your thoughts. It makes you aware of your …
… attack, blood clots, and high blood pressure from hormonal birth control (such as the pill, patch, ring). The risk of … be pregnant, tell your doctor right away. If you have just given birth or had a pregnancy loss/abortion after the first … be pregnant, tell your doctor right away. If you have just given birth or had a pregnancy loss/abortion after the first …
Medical tests
… special camera takes pictures. The pictures show the areas where the amount of tracer is higher than normal. These … the test. Many doctors suggest waiting 4 weeks before you give your breast milk to your baby. This is because the … special camera takes pictures. The pictures show the areas where the amount of tracer is higher than normal. These …
Health topics
… so finding out which muscles are weak shows your doctor where there is pressure on a nerve root. The vertebrae of … upward. If there is weakness in one leg, the ankle will give way to the downward pressure. This is a sign of … so finding out which muscles are weak shows your doctor where there is pressure on a nerve root. The vertebrae of …
HealthLinkBC files
… ages: Children are very aware of the emotions of their caregivers. Although immunizations may be stressful for you, try … needle, such as "It will be over soon and you will be okay" Give false reassurance, such as "It won't hurt." See "do" … at most pharmacies. For specific information on where to apply numbing creams or patches, ask your health …
Health topics
… your doctor Your doctor needs all the information you can give about what your pain feels like. It often helps to … and 10 being the worst pain you can imagine. Write exactly where you feel pain. You can use a drawing. Say whether the … and 10 being the worst pain you can imagine. Write exactly where you feel pain. You can use a drawing. Say whether the …
… attack, blood clots, and high blood pressure from hormonal birth control (such as the pill, patch, ring). The risk of … be pregnant, tell your doctor right away. If you have just given birth or had a pregnancy loss/abortion after the first … be pregnant, tell your doctor right away. If you have just given birth or had a pregnancy loss/abortion after the first …
… attack, blood clots, and high blood pressure from hormonal birth control (such as the pill, patch, ring). The risk of … be pregnant, tell your doctor right away. If you have just given birth or had a pregnancy loss/abortion after the first … be pregnant, tell your doctor right away. If you have just given birth or had a pregnancy loss/abortion after the first …