6350 results found
Medical tests
… Test Overview Body temperature is a measure of how well your body can make and get rid of heat. The body is very … change a lot. When you are too hot, the blood vessels in your skin widen to carry the excess heat to your skin's surface. You may start to sweat. As the sweat …
Health topics
… a cataract , you will most likely be allowed to return to your normal activities. But you need to take certain precautions. Use eyedrops as prescribed by your doctor. Wash your hands before putting drops in your eye. Be careful not …
Health topics
… the first and third trimesters. During the first trimester, your developing baby (fetus) is growing quickly. Your body is producing higher levels of progesterone . This … like many women, you'll have more energy during most of your second trimester. In the third trimester, your body is …
Health topics
… Overview Even before you get pregnant, you can help make your pregnancy as healthy as possible. Take these steps: See … take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) unless your doctor says it's okay. Examples of these are ibuprofen … at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity over a minimum of 3 days per week. Related …
Health topics
… about medicine or hormone treatment for infertility , ask your doctor these questions. Are there are any long-term … Do I need to change my sexual activities during treatment? Your doctor may have suggestions for timing sex to increase … limits on how long you want to try it. And you can change your mind. Does my age affect the treatment options? …
Health topics
… resistance . They can also be related to lack of insulin in your body. Triglyceride blood levels are usually elevated. … low. These abnormal triglyceride and HDL levels can raise your risk for hardening of your arteries (atherosclerosis). When blood vessels that …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview There's a lot you can do to lower your stress when you have cancer. The key is to find one or … stress that work for you. Pick at least one you can do when your energy is low. Try different things until you find what … and learning guided imagery. Sometimes just talking about your feelings can help reduce stress. And it may be easier …
Health topics
… So if you're struggling in one area, the others can support your overall well-being. These dimensions, or pillars, of … wellness: This is about being aware of and okay with your feelings. How you handle stress and how well you bounce … As you might expect, this refers to things like physical activity, healthy eating, and sleep. Connection: Having …
Health topics
… gets in the way of a good night's sleep. It could also help your doctor know more about what affects your sleep. Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 What time did you go to bed … When? Yesterday, did you: Do any physical activity? What? When? Yesterday, did you: Eat …
Health topics
… fractures of the spine. The procedure can return your vertebrae to a more normal shape. Your doctor may numb the area, or you may get medicine to make you sleep. The doctor makes a small cut in your back. Then the doctor puts a balloon device into a …