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6350 results found
Health topics
… is opened so the doctor can see and work on the aorta. Your aorta is a large artery that carries blood from your heart through your belly to the rest of your body. To do the surgery, the …
Health topics
… chemicals can all cause burns. You can help protect your child by being aware of these hazards and keeping your child away from them. Heat burns Heat burns, also … is a leading cause of non-fatal burns. You can help protect your child from heat burns in the following ways. Keep …
Health topics
… is where blood cells are made. White blood cells help your body fight infection. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of your body. Platelets help your blood clot. When you have leukemia, the bone marrow …
Health topics
… . Together, this group of health problems increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. This syndrome raises your risk for coronary artery disease (CAD) . It also … all of the risk factors for metabolic syndrome. Physical activity. Lack of exercise is a major risk factor for CAD. …
Health topics
… also called transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Your doctor will use a thin, flexible tube called a catheter to put in your new heart valve. Your doctor will put the catheter into a blood vessel in …
HealthLinkBC files
… have not worked. If you develop an infection caused by CPO, your doctor will give you specific antibiotics that work for … to prevent CPO from spreading to others in the home: Wash your hands often, especially after going to the bathroom, … my chances of getting infected with CPO? If you are healthy your chances of becoming sick with CPO are low. You may be …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an … sounds, then: Stand or kneel behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. If the person is standing, place one of your legs between their legs so you can support the person …
Health topics
… If you have questions about how to do these exercises or if your heel pain gets worse, talk to your doctor. How to do exercises for plantar fasciitis … up before and stretching after sports or exercise may make your plantar fascia more flexible and may decrease the …
Health topics
… An electrocardiogram is a tracing of the electrical activity of your heart. It is usually done along with a history and … office, you may be asked to use a portable EKG to record your heart rhythm on a continuous basis. This is referred to …
Health topics
… gently encourage someone who uses tobacco to quit. Think of your comments as only one event that may move that person … ask what you can do. Don't assume that the person wants your help or that you know the best way to help. If a person … Do things together, such as going to movies or on walks. Activity may help the person think less about using tobacco …