6348 results found
Health topics
… Surgery Overview A dental implant is an artificial tooth. Your dentist may suggest it if a permanent tooth fell out … of bad tooth decay . An anchor and post will be placed in your jawbone. Your new tooth will attach to the post. Implants look …
Health topics
… Overview Speech and language lessons start in the uterus. Your developing baby hears and responds to familiar voices. Soon after birth, your baby prefers and responds more to the mother's voice than to any other. And your newborn can recognize whether sounds are part of his or …
Health topics
… birth, low birth weight, and health problems for you and your babies. And it raises the risk of one or more of the babies having a disability. Talk to your doctor about how you can increase your chances of conception and decrease the chances of …
Health topics
… issues with sexual desire, orgasm, or another aspect of your sex life that's causing problems. Sexual problems can … Together you'll come up with goals you can work toward in your therapy. Sex therapy doesn't involve having sex with or in front of your counsellor. When you're working with a sex therapist, …
Health topics
… serious eye damage. Fill a sink or dishpan with water. Put your face in the water, then open and close your eyelids to force water to all parts of your eye. You can also flush your eye gently under a running …
Health topics
… problem requires a high level of comfort between you and your health professional, and between you and your partner. Because a sexual problem often has multiple … build and strengthen intimate communication between you and your partner. The best results will help you find methods …
Health topics
… to get sick with opportunistic infections . HIV weakens your immune system so it can't fight off these infections. … opportunistic infections is an important part of caring for yourself when you have HIV. Take your HIV medicines as directed. This helps your immune …
Health topics
… Overview Some over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can raise your blood pressure or keep your blood pressure medicine from working the way it should. … with OTC medicines. That includes natural health products. Your doctor or pharmacist can suggest OTC medicines that are …
Health topics
… and more dry nights. For best results, keep a record of your child's progress. And work with your child to design a reward system (such as a star chart). You know your child. If you think a reward system will help your …
Health topics
… test can be one of the things doctors use to check on your risk of heart attack and stroke. The Canadian … recommends a cholesterol test if you are 40 or older. Your doctor may recommend this test if you are younger and … How often you should get a cholesterol test depends on your cholesterol level, your other health problems, and your …