6348 results found
Medical tests
… a testicular scan, the tracer is injected into a vein in your arm. It travels through your blood to the testicles. Parts of the testicles where … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done You will need to …
HealthLinkBC files
… ways for people to get toxoplasmosis include: Touching your hands to your mouth after cleaning a cat's litter box or after … or undercooked meats Drinking unpasteurized milk Touching your hands to your mouth after working in gardens or playing …
Health topics
… You can get swimmer's ear when bacteria or fungus grows in your ear canal. This happens when water, sand, or other … ear, and a yellowish or brownish discharge from the ear. Your ear canal may be swollen. In severe cases, the outer … usually tell whether you have swimmer's ear by looking into your ear and asking questions about your symptoms. How is …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses The combination of …
Medical tests
… takes pictures of the organs and other structures in your upper belly. It uses sound waves to show images on a … to send bile to the bowels (intestines) . The bile helps your body digest food and absorb vitamins that dissolve in … Kidneys . This pair of organs is in the upper part of your belly, but toward your back. The kidneys remove wastes …
Health topics
… contact with a human papillomavirus (HPV) . You can infect yourself again by touching the wart and then touching another part of your body. You can infect another person by sharing towels, … can tell if a skin growth is a wart by looking at it. Your doctor may take a sample of the wart if it isn't clear …
Health topics
… with an emergency or injury, you will know what to do. Your confidence in dealing with both major and minor … an emergency occurs: Take a deep breath. Count to 10. Tell yourself you can handle the situation. Check for danger. Protect yourself and the injured person from fire, explosions, or …
Medical tests
… may be asked to drink water right before the test so that your bladder is full. How It Is Done This test is done in an … may be asked to drink water right before the test so that your bladder is full. You may need to take off all or most of your clothes, depending on which part of the body is being …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses This vaccine is used to …
Medical tests
… . Mammograms can find tumours that are too small for you or your doctor to feel. There are several types of mammograms . … images of the breast into an electronic file. This allows your doctor to see different views of the breast without … stage. Mammograms don't prevent breast cancer or reduce your risk of developing cancer. But from ages 40 to 70, …