6348 results found
Health topics
… from slightly pink to very dark. Keloids can rub against your clothes and become irritated, itchy, or painful. When … exposed to the sun, they may turn darker than the rest of your skin. The dark colour may stay. How is a keloid … grow back after treatment. When trying to treat a keloid, your doctor may need to use more than one type of treatment. …
Health features
… illnesses, including the flu and the common cold. Protect yourself and your community against COVID-19 by getting your updated immunizations. On this page: Getting vaccinated …
Health topics
… are: Manual wheelchairs. You move a manual wheelchair yourself. To do this, you need upper body strength. Manual … wheelchair based on how much movement and feeling you have (your functional level of injury), how much you are able to do, how strong your upper body is, where and how the wheelchair will be …
Health topics
… or see brief flashes of light when the laser is applied to your eye. What To Expect Laser photocoagulation is usually … after the procedure. Eyedrops are used to widen (dilate) your pupils before the procedure. And your eyes will remain dilated for several hours afterward. …
Health topics
… the places you live, work, and play are safe for you and your family. Find the information you need in topics such … Poisoning . Radon . Tips for Reducing Indoor Pollutants in Your Home . Health Topics Medical Tests Take Action … Illness Insect Repellents Lead Poisoning Purifying Your Drinking Water Quitting Smoking and Avoiding Smoke …
Health topics
… prescribed or if he or she doesn't get better despite your efforts. To help manage feelings of frustration, share your feelings with others, including other caregivers, … counsellors, clergy, or health professionals. Call your local AIDS service organization for support. Remember …
Health topics
… blackheads , and pimples and causing the top layer of your skin to peel. Skin care products that have AHAs are … redness of the skin. Use them less often if you notice that your skin becomes very red or very dry. Using skin care products with AHAs will make your skin very sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) light. Be sure …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview You sometimes may notice that your milk does not flow easily, or let down , when you … the tingling and leaking of milk that usually occurs when your milk begins to flow. You may develop sore nipples because your baby has to work harder or you have to pump longer to …
Health topics
… dental appliance and take them with you when you go to see your dentist. Your dentist will want to check for missing pieces of tooth … peroxide to the crown to help reduce bleeding. Protect your mouth. If an orthodontic wire, bracket, or jagged edge …
Health topics
… and alcohol also can cause heartburn. If you think that your heartburn may be caused by a medicine: Call the doctor … There also may be certain ways or times of the day to take your other medicines that will decrease the chance of … that was not prescribed by a doctor, stop taking it. Call your doctor if you feel that you need to continue taking the …