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Health topics
… to urinate. This usually happens because something gets in your way or you aren't able to walk there on your own. Functional incontinence usually occurs because something blocks your way to the toilet. Or perhaps you can't walk there on …
Health topics
… redness, and peeling of the skin. It may also increase your sensitivity to sunlight and make you more likely to get sunburned. Be sure to protect your skin from exposure to the sun (or any other source of … topical tretinoin during pregnancy may not be safe for your baby. Tretinoin can also affect breast milk. If you are …
Health topics
… surgery (arthroscopy) is a surgical procedure that allows your doctor to look at the inside of a joint in your body through a thin viewing instrument called an … knee. During arthroscopy, the arthroscope is inserted into your joint through a small cut (incision) in the skin. The …
Health topics
… The deep brain stimulator (DBS) is implanted under your skin on your upper chest near your collarbone. A wire under the skin connects the device …
Health topics
… Getting Started Getting Started If your plate includes lots of colourful vegetables, your healthy meal is off to a good start. Include a type of … use healthy fats, such as olive or canola oil. Flavour your foods with herbs and lemon instead of salt. Here are a …
Health topics
… if you want to get pregnant in the future or want to keep your uterus. In some cases, it may improve chances of … be used to shrink fibroids and the uterus. This may allow your doctor to use a smaller cut during the surgery. And it … tube and surgical tools are put through small cuts in your belly. In an abdominal myomectomy, the fibroids are …
Medical tests
… of ferritin in the blood shows how much iron is stored in your body. Why It Is Done A ferritin blood test is done to: … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for …
Health topics
… Down Syndrome: Grooming and Hygiene Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Avoid Social Problems Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Dress Independently Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Eat Independently Down Syndrome: Helping Your
Health topics
… the signs can be hard to recognize. Signs that may mean your child is in pain include: Changes in usual behaviour. Your child may eat less or become fussy or restless. Crying, … side effects. Pain isn't a visible symptom, so you and your child's treatment team will need to rely on your child …
Health topics
… when it's given as shots. This means the medicine stays in your body longer than if you take a pill. Why they're given … shots because you relapsed while on pills. In a relapse, your symptoms return. Shots may help prevent relapse because … amount of medicine in the body. How they're given You go to your doctor's office to get a shot. It's usually given in …