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Health topics
… ). If you answer yes to any of the PAR-Q+ questions, you should take the ePARmed-X+ exam Have a fitness assessment … Types of activities There are 3 types of activities to keep your body healthy: Activities for strong bones and …
Health topics
… flares up, the airways tighten and become narrower. This keeps the air from passing through easily and makes it hard … some infections. And ask about what medicines your child should avoid. It can be scary when your child has an asthma … To help you and your child remember, understand the reasons people don't take their asthma medicines. And then find …
Health topics
… meniscus, acts like a shock absorber between the bones and keeps the knee joint stable by spreading out the load evenly … finish rehab to keep your new knee flexible and strong. You should be able to walk, swim, dance, and ride a bike on flat ground. But you may not be able to run, and you should ask your doctor about riding a bike up steep hills. …
Health topics
… Let the person know why you want them to quit. Give reasons that are as important to them as they are to you. For … doing. Many people like to have something in their mouth. Keep a supply of hard candy, cut-up vegetables, or … from the attempt. Are there any triggers to look out for? Should the person try phone counselling, medicine, or …
Health topics
… day can be hard to get used to. You may have several reasons why you find it hard to take your medicines. But … while you take your medicine. Don't put your medicine down. Keep it in your hand or on your lap. This way it remains in … medicines with you. Talk to your doctor about what you should do if you miss a dose. Can you make it up? You're out …
Health topics
… tells you how hard you are exercising. It is important to keep your heart rate from getting too high. So your doctor will tell you how fast your heart rate should be with exercise. This type of self-monitoring is … high. So your doctor will tell you how fast your heart rate should be with exercise. This type of self-monitoring is …
Health topics
… throughout the day and control portion sizes. This helps to keep your child's blood sugar in his or her target range … meals and snacks. Remember, high-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than … meals and snacks. Remember, high-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than …
Health topics
… elbow include: Refusal to move the arm. Your child may keep the arm dangling down the side of their body. Sometimes … because they are scared. Pain anywhere between the hand and shoulder. Medical attention is needed if your child has … injury. How is nursemaid's elbow treated? Nursemaid's elbow should be treated by a doctor. Allow your child to keep the …
Health topics
… Actionset Overview Even people who are very determined to keep up their healthy habits can lose them after they have … enough to ride in a bike trailer. Children in bike trailers should wear helmets. Be active at the park or playground. … the playground. Swinging from the monkey bars is great for shoulders and upper body strength. If your child plays on a …
Health topics
… protect the organs in your chest. They help you breathe by keeping space open inside your chest while the muscles you … to tape or tightly wrap the injured rib area. But you should not do this, even if it eases your pain. It can keep … to tape or tightly wrap the injured rib area. But you should not do this, even if it eases your pain. It can keep