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… It protects against hepatitis B infection and its complications such as permanent liver damage, which can lead … can cause serious disease including permanent liver damage (cirrhosis). Hepatitis B is also one of the main causes of …
Health topics
… risk for an infection of the lining of the belly, called peritonitis . Personal stories about choosing a type of … risk for an infection of the lining of the belly, called peritonitis . Personal stories Personal stories about … risk for an infection of the lining of the belly, called peritonitis . Personal stories about choosing a type of …
Health topics
… to treat an ulcer, even if you don't have any symptoms. Complications A peptic ulcer may cause problems such as: … the belly cavity. This causes inflammation and infection (peritonitis). Peritonitis usually causes sudden and severe … if your ulcer doesn't heal, or if you have life-threatening complications, you may need surgery. Ignoring symptoms of an …
Health topics
… failure also need to focus on these things to prevent the complications of kidney failure. Manage your blood pressure. … losing kidney function, you may start to have problems, or complications. How long it takes for the kidney disease to … feel very ill. Untreated kidney failure can cause death. Complications of chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney …
HealthLinkBC files
… Lower back pain Nausea or vomiting What are the potential complications? If you are treated early in the infection, you are less likely to have complications. The potential complications from PID can … Genital herpes (#08d) Syphilis (#08e) Cervicitis (#08f) Bacterial vaginosis (BV) (#08g) Pubic lice (#08h) Molluscum …
Health topics
… without problems. But sometimes the flu can lead to a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection , a sinus … or longer. Fatigue and weakness can last for several weeks. Complications of influenza may develop in anyone, but they … of getting the flu. The risk of having severe symptoms and complications is higher for: Children younger than 5 years …
Health topics
… But unless you or your child has an increased risk of complications from RSV, it usually is not important to know … to bronchiolitis or pneumonia or both. Symptoms of these complications include: Difficulty breathing , which may … If you do not give your child all the medicine, the bacterial infection may return. Take care of yourself . …
Health topics
… complication of contact lens wear and can cause blindness. Bacterial keratitis is the most common type of infectious … Overall, bacterial keratitis is among the least frequent complications of wearing contacts. But it is much more … Overall, bacterial keratitis is among the least frequent complications of wearing contacts. But it is much more …
HealthLinkBC files
… after being exposed to the bacteria. What are the potential complications? If treated in time, gonorrhea causes no lasting concerns. Untreated gonorrhea can lead to complications as the infection spreads to other areas of the … Genital herpes (#08d) Syphilis (#08e) Cervicitis (#08f) Bacterial vaginosis (BV) (#08g) Pubic lice (#08h) Molluscum …
HealthLinkBC files
… the symptoms to appear, if at all. What are the potential complications? If treated in time, chlamydia causes no lasting concerns. Untreated chlamydia can lead to complications as the infection spreads to other areas of the … Genital herpes (#08d) Syphilis (#08e) Cervicitis (#08f) Bacterial vaginosis (BV) (#08g) Pubic lice (#08h) Molluscum …