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4583 results found
Health topics
… instructions from the manufacturer. Some meters need to be cleaned regularly and have their batteries changed now and … of lancets properly. Lancets must be thrown away safely after they're used. Put used lancets in a plastic container … instructions from the manufacturer. Some meters need to be cleaned regularly and have their batteries changed now and …
Health topics
… flushing with cool water but may continue to be painful after you stop flushing. After flushing your eye, wear dark … bandage or cloth. If you don't have a sterile one, use a clean bandage or cloth. Do not use fluffy cotton bandages … bandage or cloth. If you don't have a sterile one, use a clean bandage or cloth. Do not use fluffy cotton bandages …
Health topics
… be no more mist coming out. This may take about 10 minutes. After each use, clean the mouthpiece or face mask. Use warm, soapy water. … coming out. This may take about 10 minutes. After each use, clean the mouthpiece or face mask. Use warm, soapy water. …
Health topics
… too hard can irritate the skin. Also, be careful to clean under the fingernails, where the oil can collect and … can help remove the plant's oil from your skin. A hand cleaner, such as Goop, also may help. Wash your pet. If your … hands by petting a dog that has urushiol oil on its fur. Clean clothing and other items. Wash all clothing, shoes, …
Health topics
… by a virus. It usually occurs at the same time as or right after you have had a cold. Less commonly, pink eye can be … more comfortable while the infection goes away. Try using a clean, moist cloth to remove crust. Use allergy eyedrops and … share towels, bed linens, pillows, or handkerchiefs. Use clean linens, towels, and face cloths each day. Some schools …
Health topics
… they can strain muscles and even cause back pain. Backpack safety is important for everyone. It's especially important … in their packs. But it's still important to follow some safety tips: In the weeks before a big hike, use stretching … they can strain muscles and even cause back pain. Backpack safety is important for everyone. It's especially important …
Health topics
… may harm your baby's gums. Don't use fluid-filled teethers. Clean teething rings, teethers, and toys after each use. Check the package label to see if the object … applesauce, pureed peaches, or yogurt. You can also dip a clean face cloth in water, freeze it, and let your baby chew …
Health topics
… shaving. Or use an electric-razor product that's made to clean the skin. Hold the razor so that the handle sticks … shaver), move the razor in circles. Apply moisturizer or aftershave, if the person wants it. Clean the razor according to the directions on the package. …
HealthLinkBC files
… weight loss and fatigue. Symptoms start about 1 to 3 weeks after exposure to the parasite. Symptoms can last from 2 to … minutes to disinfect. Let the water cool. Always store your clean water in clean containers made for storing food or water. Boiling …
HealthLinkBC files
… relatively new, we don't have a lot of information on their safety. There is not much research on how effective HTPs are … vaping rather than HTPs. There is more information on the safety of vaping than there is for HTPs. What are the risks … Canadian market. There is not a lot of evidence about their safety and potential risks are not yet clear. Nicotine …