4583 results found
Health topics
… include: Being older. Ovarian cancer most often happens after menopause . Never having had a baby. Having … cells and some normal cells. Chemotherapy is often used after surgery. But sometimes it is used to shrink the cancer … Ways to cope with your illness. Adjusting to body changes after treatment Your feelings about your body may change …
Medical tests
… sit up. The site where your doctor will put the needle is cleaned with a special soap and draped with sterile towels. … needle is taken out and a bandage is placed over the site. After the test, your pulse, blood pressure, and temperature … sit up. The site where your doctor will put the needle is cleaned with a special soap and draped with sterile towels. …
Health topics
… infections, they tend to return. They can come back even after successful treatment and especially if you don't do … To stop the infection from coming back, keep your nails clean and dry. Change socks often. Don't go barefoot in … To stop the infection from coming back, keep your nails clean and dry. Change socks often. Don't go barefoot in …
Medical tests
… the needle placement. The skin over the joint area will be cleaned with antiseptic solution. A local anesthetic is … Risks There is very little chance of having a problem after a joint fluid analysis. Infection, bleeding, or damage … the needle placement. The skin over the joint area will be cleaned with antiseptic solution. A local anesthetic is …
HealthLinkBC files
… fully dressed. Later, try putting your child on the toilet after a diaper change. Next, put your child on the toilet or potty several times a day (for example, after they wake up, after meals, before naps and bedtime) to … to let your toddler go without pants around the easily cleaned parts of the house or yard. This allows your toddler …
Health topics
… do something to show their support. They can bring meals or clean your house. They can help give out information to … parents and other loved ones. The news can be overwhelming. After all, children are expected to outlive their parents. … do something to show their support. They can bring meals or clean your house. They can help give out information to …
Health topics
… dose of medicine, do not have any sexual contact for 7 days after treatment. The medicine needs time to work. How can … share sex toys. But if you do share them, use a condom and clean the sex toys between each use. Vaccines are available … share sex toys. But if you do share them, use a condom and clean the sex toys between each use. Vaccines are available …
Health topics
… your skin gently rather than scrubbing it. Use a mild skin cleanser instead of soap. A skin cleanser can help protect your skin's natural moisture … include Aveeno, Dove, and Neutrogena. Pat your skin dry after a bath or shower. Apply a moisturizer right away while …
Medical tests
… side of your forearm up. The skin where the test is done is cleaned and allowed to dry. A small shot of the tuberculosis … of the firm bump (not the red area) is measured 2 to 3 days after the test to find out the result. Your doctor will … side of your forearm up. The skin where the test is done is cleaned and allowed to dry. A small shot of the tuberculosis …
Medical tests
… doesn't always cause symptoms. Retest people several months after they have been treated for chlamydia. Check for … How It Is Done Urine sample Do not wipe the genital area clean before urinating. Collect the first part of your urine … How It Is Done Urine sample Do not wipe the genital area clean before urinating. Collect the first part of your urine …