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4583 results found
Health topics
… clothes in the laundry basket, pick up toys, or put away clean clothes Provide regular chances for your toddler to …
Health topics
… or even years. Be mild or very bad. Be felt during and after sex. Flare up when you sit on a bicycle, put in a … other things you can try to relieve your symptoms: Always clean your vulva gently. Avoid soaps and other products, … other things you can try to relieve your symptoms: Always clean your vulva gently. Avoid soaps and other products, …
Health topics
… and count slowly to 10 before you try to stand up. And after you stand up, stay still for a few seconds before you … the rubber tip when it becomes worn. If you use crutches, clean the bottoms of them regularly with an abrasive pad, … the rubber tip when it becomes worn. If you use crutches, clean the bottoms of them regularly with an abrasive pad, …
Health topics
… Drinking, misusing medicines, or using drugs often starts after a big change in a person's life. Retiring, the death … headaches and dizziness than usual. Not keeping themselves clean. Having changes in what and how they eat. For example, … headaches and dizziness than usual. Not keeping themselves clean. Having changes in what and how they eat. For example, …
Medical tests
… For a stool analysis, a stool sample is collected in a clean container and then sent to the laboratory. Laboratory … for testing that has been in contact with toilet bowl cleaning products that turn the water blue. How It Is Done … For a stool analysis, a stool sample is collected in a clean container and then sent to the laboratory. Laboratory …
Health topics
… or seek medical care now if your child has: Headaches after a recent fall or blow to the head. New nausea or … adults with migraines. More research is being done on the safety of migraine medicines for children. Have your child … should take these medicines. Here are some other important safety tips: Give medicines to your child exactly as your …
Health topics
… Poisoning Causes of Hyperventilation Chest Problems Child Safety: Air Pollution Choking Rescue for Babies Choking … Prevent Infections Making Positive Changes in Your Life After Quitting Smoking Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus … Poisoning Causes of Hyperventilation Chest Problems Child Safety: Air Pollution Choking Rescue for Babies Choking …
Health topics
… can make these conditions worse. Follow the directions for cleaning the machine. Stop smoking, and avoid breathing … if the following symptoms develop 2 to 3 weeks or longer after a strep throat infection. These symptoms may be a sign … can make these conditions worse. Follow the directions for cleaning the machine. Stop smoking, and avoid breathing …
Health topics
… skin. Babies are born with it, and it usually goes away after the first few days of life. Sometimes dark spots may … or on the chin. It's caused by drooling and spitting up. Clean your baby's face often, especially after he or she … or on the chin. It's caused by drooling and spitting up. Clean your baby's face often, especially after he or she …
Health topics
… symptoms may include wheezing and shortness of breath after exercise or at nighttime. In severe asthma, the most … Warm or cool mist may help relieve symptoms. Follow all cleaning instructions and precautions for the machine. Treat a stuffy nose. Use saline …