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… hospital. A person can expect to have a very sore throat after surgery. It may last for several days. This may affect … drink. The person may also have bad breath for a few days after surgery. There is a very small risk of serious bleeding after surgery. Why It Is Done A tonsillectomy may be done …
Health topics
… enough that you seek treatment. Keloids often grow back after treatment. It's possible to prevent a keloid from forming if you take steps to protect the skin after it is damaged. What causes it? Keloids can form where … they look and feel. It is common for keloids to grow back after treatment. When trying to treat a keloid, your doctor …
Health topics
… include: Lyme disease . Symptoms usually start 1 to 4 weeks after the tick bite, with up to 90% of people developing an … spotted fever . Symptoms usually start about 2 to 14 days after the tick bite. Tularemia . Symptoms usually start within 21 days (but average 1 to 10 days) after the tick bite or other exposure. Ehrlichiosis . …
Health topics
… your overall health, and the amount of cancer that remains after surgery. What To Expect Feeling better after surgery takes time. Most women are in the hospital 1 or 2 days after the surgery. Some women stay in the hospital up to 4 …
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… bleeding to stop. People with hemophilia may bleed a lot after cuts, during surgery, or even after a fall. Some people have abnormal bleeding inside … which causes pain and swelling. Bleeding that is not normal after an injury or surgery. Easy bruising. Frequent …
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… used along with general anesthesia to help limit pain after surgery. What To Expect You will likely go home a few hours after you wake up from anesthesia. A family member or friend … need help from friends or family for the first 2 weeks after surgery. Discomfort after surgery may be relieved by: …
Health topics
… very strongly about being able to bond with the baby right after birth. Unless there is some complication, a mother can usually hold her baby within the first few minutes after a vaginal birth. After a caesarean, the mother's time with her baby may be …
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… are usually successful. Another rupture is less likely after surgery than after immobilization. But immobilization has fewer other … including how badly your tendon is damaged, how soon after your rupture you have surgery, and your rehabilitation …
Health topics
… (5 inches)] on the abdomen. The usual stay in the hospital after an abdominal hysterectomy is 3 days. Laparoscopic … the abdomen. You may stay in the hospital for 1 or 2 days after a laparoscopic hysterectomy. Or you may be able to go … is called robot-assisted laparoscopy. What To Expect Right after surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area where …
Health topics
… hurt. Your baby is feeding eight or more times a day after the first 24 hours. Night time feedings are to be … three or more bowel movements a day in the first few weeks. After the first four to six weeks it's common for bowel … diapers, this is normal. Your baby is satisfied and content after most feedings. Your baby has returned to his/her birth …