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Health topics
… protect you from exposure to a potential infection from your health professional in the unlikely event that you come … there's no chance that blood is present. How can you reduce your risk of exposure to blood and body fluids? Blood and … precautions . You may wish to have gloves available in your home, office, or vehicle if you think you may be …
Health topics
… sure you do not become dehydrated. Dehydration occurs when your body loses too much fluid. This can happen when you … heart, or liver disease and have to limit fluids, talk with your doctor before you increase how much fluid you drink. … lasts longer than 24 hours. Electrolytes are minerals in your blood that keep many systems in your body working …
Health topics
… in people with psoriatic arthritis . How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can often recognize psoriasis by looking at your skin, scalp, and nails. Special tests usually aren't … nails may need up to a year to grow. How can you care for your nails? Soak your nails before you trim them. Trim them …
Health topics
… to quit smoking. The nicotine in cigarettes is addicting. Your body craves it because it makes you feel good. So when … again. Exercise and healthy eating also may help. Talk with your doctor Your doctor can prescribe medicines that can get you through …
Health topics
… charts, plans, and self-tests to help you keep track of your health. Use the sleep diary to find out more about what affects your sleep patterns. Print off a form that can help you … Diaries, Charts, and Records Alcohol Use: Identifying Reasons to Cut Down On or Stop Asthma Diary Blood Pressure: …
HealthLinkBC files
… products. What are the risks of vaping? Vaping can impact your health in several ways: Exposure to toxic and … new products. As a result, the long-term impacts to your health are not fully understood. There may be risks … unsuccessful, switching to vaping may reduce the harms to your health. Long-term use of vapes is not recommended, so …
Health topics
… is a way to relax and socialize. But if you are watching your weight or just are concerned with healthy eating, … healthy food choices when you get too hungry. Think about your portions. Restaurants often serve portions that are … portions, split a meal with someone else, or save part of your meal for later. Choose menu items that contain fruits, …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Your doctor, registered dietitian, or certified diabetes … that you use one of two ways to count carbohydrates in your diet. Use the method that is easiest for you. For both, … you would count 3 carbohydrate servings. How to plan your daily amount Your daily amount of carbs depends on …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … more from making major lifestyle changes. And many people younger than 60 benefit more from taking metformin. footnote … and tests work and how safe they are. For many reasons, some studies are more reliable than others. The better …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview By week 12, you can now hear your baby's heartbeat with a Doppler heart monitor. Wondering what your baby looks like at 12 weeks? Your baby is now about the size of a lime. Average baby …