679 results found
Health topics
… be causing the diarrhea? Think about whether the diarrhea started after you began taking a new medicine or a higher … things like: How often to test blood sugar and what the target range is. Whether and how to adjust the dose and … moving, it may be bright red, reddish brown, or black like tar. A little bit of bright red blood on the stool or on the …
Health topics
… moving, it may be bright red, reddish brown, or black like tar. A little bit of bright red blood on the stool or on the … moving, it may be bright red, reddish brown, or black like tar. A little bit of bright red blood on the stool or on the …
Health topics
Health topics
… do: Be ready to say what your main symptoms are, when they started, and what you have done to treat them so far. It may … do: Be ready to say what your main symptoms are, when they started, and what you have done to treat them so far. It may …
Health topics
… works, the nail can get infected again. Treatment often starts with antifungal medicine. You can try an … Before bed, wash and dry your feet carefully. Applying a topical antifungal medicine may help prevent repeat … works, the nail can get infected again. Treatment often starts with antifungal medicine. You can try an …
Health topics
… skin may break down even more. Moccasin-type infection may start with a little soreness on your foot. Then the skin on … the toenails get infected. Vesicular infection usually starts with a sudden outbreak of fluid-filled blisters. The … ointments, swabs, or powders that you put on the skin (topical medicine). Treatment lasts from 1 to 6 weeks. To …
Health topics
… may cause serious side effects and severe pain. Complementary medicine therapies may also help with managing pain. … pressure) to promote relaxation. Before you try a complementary therapy, talk to your doctor about the possible value … know if you are already using any such therapies. Complementary therapies are not meant to take the place of standard …
Health topics
… | French Picky Eating English | Chinese | French Vegetarian and Vegan Toddlers English | Chinese | French … on having a healthy pregnancy and giving your baby a good start in life. It also provides you with information on how …
Health topics
… fats could lead to high cholesterol and heart disease. Start with small changes first. Use heart-healthy olive or … fats could lead to high cholesterol and heart disease. Start with small changes first. Use heart-healthy olive or …