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679 results found
Health topics
… longer, but it is not a cure for kidney failure. After you start dialysis, you will need to keep doing it to stay as … longer, but it is not a cure for kidney failure. After you start dialysis, you will need to keep doing it to stay as … longer, but it is not a cure for kidney failure. After you start dialysis, you will need to keep doing it to stay as …
Health topics
… cancer and would need to have my right breast removed. I started listening again when she described how I could have … cancer and would need to have my right breast removed. I started listening again when she described how I could have … cancer and would need to have my right breast removed. I started listening again when she described how I could have …
Health topics
… risk will be lowered depends on how high your risk was to start with. Not everyone with atrial fibrillation has the … need to let your doctor know of any new medicines you start taking while you are taking an anticoagulant. … risk will be lowered depends on how high your risk was to start with. Not everyone with atrial fibrillation has the …
Health topics
… disease . If you have one of these problems and you start to get sores, talk to your doctor. Some people are … position. Removing bone from the end of the first metatarsal bone. Both the big toe and the metatarsal bones are then reshaped. Fusing the big toe joint. …
Health topics
… incisions (percutaneous surgery). Non-surgical treatment starts with immobilizing your leg. This prevents you from … is done. How soon your rehabilitation (rehab) program starts after surgery. How well you follow your rehab program. … because the surgeon is experienced. Brandi, age 45 I started jogging again after quite a few years, and a week …
Health topics
… control. Controlling blood sugar means staying in your target range. If your disease gets worse and your blood … effective medicine for lowering blood sugar levels to meet target ranges and A1c goals. If you decide to use insulin, … and what to do if you have a low blood sugar emergency. Starting insulin doesn't mean that you've failed to control …
Health topics
… you have pain. In each session, you walk until the pain starts, then rest until it goes away. Each day, you try walking farther before the pain starts. Your doctor might recommend a supervised program or a … my doctor made so that I won't have to have surgery. I've started walking a little more every day, and I'm watching …
Health topics
… cells are growing and dividing and where they may have started in the breast tissue. If your cancer cells are … cells are growing and dividing and where they may have started in the breast tissue. If your cancer cells are … cells are growing and dividing and where they may have started in the breast tissue. If your cancer cells are …
Health topics
… work. You may need to take it for 1 to 3 weeks before you start to feel better and for 6 to 8 weeks before you feel … cells over time, which can help you feel better. You may start to feel better within 1 to 3 weeks after you start taking the medicine. But you may need to take it for 6 …