679 results found
Health topics
… your symptoms and has the fewest side effects. You may start to feel better within 1 to 3 weeks after you start taking an antidepressant. But you may need to take it … taking your medicine, there is a good chance that you will start to feel less depressed and that the side effects will …
Health topics
… have that brown skin, you can really see my veins. I also started to wonder if the veins were related to the aching I … have that brown skin, you can really see my veins. I also started to wonder if the veins were related to the aching I … have that brown skin, you can really see my veins. I also started to wonder if the veins were related to the aching I …
Health topics
… progressive , where the disease is progressive from the start. Progressive relapsing , where the symptoms are … specific symptoms. You may find it hard to decide when to start taking the drugs that slow the progression of MS. The … You and your doctor will decide together when you should start any of these drugs. How do you live with MS? There is …
Health topics
… may lead to cancer. How is GERD treated? Treatment usually starts with lifestyle changes—such as quitting smoking and … may lead to cancer. How is GERD treated? Treatment usually starts with lifestyle changes—such as quitting smoking and … may lead to cancer. How is GERD treated? Treatment usually starts with lifestyle changes—such as quitting smoking and …
Health topics
… 55 I own a landscaping business, and a few months ago I started having a lot of pain when putting in backyard fences. Then the pain started to wake me up at night and keep me awake. My doctor … The pain was waking me up at night, and it was even starting to hurt during the day. I went to my boss and the …
Health topics
… permanent. You can always change your mind if your health starts to improve. Even though treatment focuses on helping … or drink. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to try to restart your heart. The decision to receive treatments that may … permanent. You can always change your mind if your health starts to improve. Why might you choose treatment to prolong …
Health topics
… apply an electrical shock to your heart. The shock may restart your heart. You may also get medicine—through your vein … your heart beat again. Life support After CPR has been started, you will be connected to a machine called a … support work? When a person's heart stops, CPR may work to start it again but often only for a short time. But CPR, life …
Health topics
… that not being fed is painful. I was very concerned about starving to death or becoming too thirsty. They informed me … that not being fed is painful. I was very concerned about starving to death or becoming too thirsty. They informed me … that not being fed is painful. I was very concerned about starving to death or becoming too thirsty. They informed me …