679 results found
Health topics
… touches the tip of the penis. Your baby will probably start to feel better within 3 to 4 days after circumcision. … touches the tip of the penis. Your baby will probably start to feel better within 3 to 4 days after circumcision. … touches the tip of the penis. Your baby will probably start to feel better within 3 to 4 days after circumcision. …
Health topics
… 5 Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get the facts Your options Start taking a medicine called a statin to help prevent … making new cells. But if you have too much cholesterol, it starts to build up in blood vessels called arteries. This problem is called atherosclerosis. It is the starting point for most heart and blood flow problems, …
Health topics
… the joint (debridement). Rotator cuff repair. This usually starts with debridement. The repair then involves sewing the … helpful as you make important health decisions. I recently started swimming, and I think the overhead movements have … heat to ease the pain. It seems to be working. Soon, I'll start some exercises my doctor showed me to strengthen my …
Health topics
Health topics
… was just a little more energetic than other kids. Then he started preschool. We got a call from the teacher on his … was just a little more energetic than other kids. Then he started preschool. We got a call from the teacher on his … was just a little more energetic than other kids. Then he started preschool. We got a call from the teacher on his …
Health topics
Health topics
… lower your stroke risk depends on how high your risk is to start with. Warfarin has been used for many years to lower … You let your doctor know about any new medicines you start taking while you are taking warfarin. You will try to … You let your doctor know about any new medicines you start taking while you are taking a DOAC. DOACs lower the …
Health topics
… a problem for me. But then I had some problems in life and started gaining weight. I tried to lose weight, but my … The surgery sounds effective, and I feel if I can get started, I'll do fine on my own. Frank, age 48 What matters … a problem for me. But then I had some problems in life and started gaining weight. I tried to lose weight, but my …
Health topics
… so I wouldn't have to deal with the leg pain and could start walking again! Clare, age 70 The pain, numbness, and tingling in my legs started about 5 years ago. Luckily, I did not feel pain all … so I wouldn't have to deal with the leg pain and could start walking again!" — Clare, age 70 "The pain, numbness, …