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3314 results found
Health topics
… your teeth. If you have gotten canker sores in the past by eating foods that have a lot of acid (such as citrus fruits … your teeth. If you have gotten canker sores in the past by eating foods that have a lot of acid (such as citrus fruits …
Health topics
… causes toxoplasmosis. You can get the infection by: Eating infected meat that hasn't been fully cooked or … with the parasite pass it on to others through their feces. Eating anything that has touched infected cat feces, … that haven't been washed. You can also get the infection by eating food that has touched tables and counters your cat …
Health topics
Health topics
… more Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Heart-Healthy Eating Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Quitting Smoking Weight … and stay at a healthy weight. Heart-healthy foods include eating more fruits and vegetables and choosing foods low in saturated fat. Try a heart-healthy eating plan like the DASH diet or the Mediterranean diet. If …
… severe tiredness, severe confusion, sweating, fast/irregular heartbeat, dark urine, signs of … pills") or if you have conditions such as severe sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting. Talk to your doctor about … severe tiredness, severe confusion, sweating, fast/irregular heartbeat, dark urine, signs of …
… of breath/rapid breathing chest/jaw/left arm pain unusual sweating confusion sudden dizziness/fainting … sugar include shakiness, nervousness, rapid pulse, and sweating. If you are experiencing these symptoms, consult your … of breath/rapid breathing chest/jaw/left arm pain unusual sweating confusion sudden dizziness/fainting …
… severe tiredness, severe confusion, sweating, fast/irregular heartbeat, dark urine, signs of … pills") or if you have conditions such as severe sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting. Talk to your doctor about … severe tiredness, severe confusion, sweating, fast/irregular heartbeat, dark urine, signs of …
Health topics
… Carpal tunnel syndrome Leg cramps during pregnancy Massage therapy during pregnancy Pregnancy: Pelvic and hip pain …