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6356 results found
Health topics
… page: What is actinic keratosis? Actinic keratosis is a skin … most common on the scalp, face, neck, hands, and forearms. Your doctor can remove these growths by freezing or scraping … occur. People who have a weak immune system have a higher risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma. How can you …
… of blood flow problems in the fingers or toes (such as coldness, numbness, pain, or skin color changes) unusual … condition called serotonin syndrome/toxicity. The risk increases if you are also taking other drugs that increase … your heart rate or blood pressure. Tell your pharmacist what products you are using, and ask how to use them safely …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview A swallowing study is a test that shows what your throat and esophagus do while you swallow. The test …
Medical tests
… alcohol test measures the amount of alcohol (ethanol) in your body. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood and … to walk, nausea, vomiting 0.40: Possible coma and death What affects BAC BAC depends on the number of drinks you … of drinks per hour, your blood alcohol level steadily increases. Your weight. The more you weigh, the more water …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … blood flow to your hands and feet, causing them to feel cold. Smoking may worsen this effect. Dress warmly and avoid … your heart rate or blood pressure. Tell your pharmacist what products you are using, and ask how to use them safely …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … health needs. Uses This medication is used to treat "cold sores/fever blisters" (herpes labialis). It can speed … it is important to follow safe sex practices to reduce the risk of giving herpes to your partner, even if there are no …
Health topics
… Overview Understanding how to care for your ostomy will help you live comfortably with it. An … Tape remover, which cleans adhesive off the skin. What can you expect as you recover from a urostomy? It takes … If you are concerned about sex, your body image, and what others think, talk to your doctor, counsellor, or a …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … doctor if you are using marijuana (cannabis). Alcohol also increases your risk for breathing problems. Buprenorphine … labels on all your medicines (such as allergy or cough-and-cold products) because they may contain ingredients that …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … from conditions such as muscle aches, toothaches, common cold, and headaches. It may also be used to reduce pain and … recently received a vaccine. In these cases, taking aspirin increases the risk of Reye's syndrome, a rare but serious …
Health topics
… The coronary arteries regulate the supply of blood to your heart muscle depending on how much oxygen your heart … your heart rate and blood pressure increase. This in turn increases your heart's demand for oxygen. The main way to … wall) and backside (posterior wall) of the left ventricle. What are collateral coronary arteries? The coronary arteries …