2485 results found
Health topics
… is good for your baby's teeth, which begin to form before birth. And remember that it's safe—and a good idea—to visit … during the second or third trimesters, you may be more comfortable sitting in a different position in the dental … during the second or third trimesters, you may be more comfortable sitting in a different position in the dental …
Health topics
… such as taking warm sitz baths , can help relieve discomfort from sores. How can you prevent sexually transmitted … every time you have sex. Condoms are the only form of birth control that also helps prevent STIs. Don't share sex … has a genital herpes blister or sore at the time of labour and birth, a caesarean (C-section) is usually done. …
Health topics
… Here are some other things to think about: You may not be comfortable sitting at first. But sitting will feel more comfortable over time. Walk as often as you can for the … to work in a week or two. If your job requires physical labour (such as lifting or operating machinery that …
Medical tests
… to prevent infection or medicine to prevent preterm labour (tocolytic drugs). Results Fetal blood tests show the … to prevent infection or medicine to prevent preterm labour (tocolytic drugs). Results Fetal blood tests show the …
Health topics
… And they may not be able to move themselves into different positions. It's very important that a person changes … But find someone to help you if you can. Getting someone comfortable in bed You can use pillows to help the person get comfortable and avoid pressure injuries. If the person is on …
Health topics
… objects. By 6 months, most babies: Have doubled their birth weight. Are able to sit with little or no support. By … who are 9 to 12 months old. Even though a diaper rash is uncomfortable, normally it isn't serious. Usually the rash … A good way to make sure your baby's head rests in different positions is to switch which end of the bed you place your …
Health topics
… that attach to crib slats or sides. Keep the room at a comfortable temperature so your baby can sleep in … Months Growth and Development, Newborn Health and Safety, Birth to 2 Years Support Groups and Social Support … that attach to crib slats or sides. Keep the room at a comfortable temperature so your baby can sleep in …
Health topics
… identity doesn't match the sex that you were assigned at birth (usually male or female). The realization that you are … as adults. Sometimes a person experiences so much discomfort or distress because their gender identity and the … surgeries. These medical options often provide significant comfort. Sexual orientation and gender identity aren’t the …
Health topics
… drainage Postural drainage means lying down in different positions to help drain mucus from your lungs. You can do it … a small pillow under your head if it helps you feel more comfortable. Do belly breathing or diaphragmatic (say … a small pillow under your head if it helps you feel more comfortable. Do belly breathing (diaphragmatic breathing). …
Health topics
… different areas of the arm and try to move it into certain positions. Usually X-rays of the elbow are not needed. But … by a doctor. Allow your child to keep the arm in the most comfortable position until you get medical help. You can … Be careful not to move your child's arm from the most comfortable position. A doctor will move your child's arm to …