2485 results found
Health topics
… treatment is usually all that's needed to relieve mild discomfort from hemorrhoids or constipation. If you have a … If you had any problems during your pregnancy or during labour or delivery, your doctor or midwife may give you more … likely you won't have serious health problems after giving birth. But problems can happen. Ask your doctor or miwdife …
Health topics
… during a past pregnancy, such as miscarriage or preterm labour. Problems with the urinary tract or bowels. Depending … really bad. She said that I might consider starting with birth control pills and that I could try ibuprofen for a few … during a past pregnancy, such as miscarriage or preterm labour. Problems with the urinary tract or bowels. Depending …
Health topics
… you may need to modify your activities to stay safe and comfortable. For example, if you experience: tender or painful breasts - wear a comfortable, supportive bra shortness of breath - rest; …
Health topics
… life, death, and suffering. Some people are able to find comfort, courage, and hope from their beliefs. But if you're … about your beliefs. List your sources of spiritual comfort or practices. What gives you comfort? Do you feel the need to be alone or with other …
Health topics
… They are inexpensive and durable, but they are the least comfortable type of contact lens. They reduce the amount of … lenses and are somewhat less durable. But they are more comfortable than conventional hard lenses. Some … (up to 90% of the lens weight). Many people find them more comfortable to wear than hard lenses, but hard lenses …
Health topics
… : The pain is so bad that the baby cannot sleep, cannot get comfortable, and cries constantly no matter what you do. The … and may have trouble sleeping but responds when you try to comfort him or her. Mild pain (1 to 4) : The baby is a … and clings to you a little but responds when you try to comfort him or her. Pain in children 3 years and older …
Medical tests
… to their child. You inherit half of your genetics from each birth parent. Genes determine things like your blood type, … plans. If your baby is likely to need special care after birth, you may need to deliver in a hospital that can … it is that your fetus will have a genetic condition or birth defect. Amniocentesis Chorionic …
Health topics
… life-saving surgery if there is heavy bleeding during childbirth that can't be stopped. In most cases, hysterectomy is … vaginal dryness after the surgery. It can make sex less comfortable. A vaginal lubricant, such as Astroglide or K-Y … vaginal dryness after the surgery. It can make sex less comfortable. A vaginal lubricant, such as Astroglide or K-Y …
Health topics
… You will need a hook or other device to do this. Find a comfortable position, such as in a chair in front of the … You will need a hook or other device to do this. Find a comfortable position, such as in a chair in front of the …
HealthLinkBC files
… woman contracts rubella, she may have a miscarriage or stillbirth. Her baby may be born with severe birth defects, … may include a rash, fever, joint aches, headache, discomfort, runny nose and irritated eyes. The lymph nodes … the following home treatment tips may help you to be more comfortable while you rest and recover. Drink plenty of …