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3949 results found
Health topics
… hearing loss are known as ototoxic medicines. They are a common cause of hearing loss, especially in older adults who … cause permanent hearing loss even if you stop taking them. Commonly used medicines that may cause hearing loss include: … hearing loss are known as ototoxic medicines. They are a common cause of hearing loss, especially in older adults who …
Health topics
… Medicine On this page: Overview Overview Skin changes are a common side effect of many prescription and non-prescription medicines. Common side effects include: Rash . Any medicine can cause a … how we develop our content . … Overview Skin changes are a common side effect of many prescription and non-prescription …
Health topics
… menstrual cramps. Cramping may last up to a few weeks. It's common to have many different emotions after a miscarriage. It's also common to want to know why a miscarriage has happened. … (miscarriage). How Well It Works Vacuum aspiration is a common type of surgical abortion. It is usually effective. …
Health topics
… from your lungs to the rest of your body. Anemia is fairly common. It's often easily treated. Sometimes, though, it's … destroys red blood cells. Losing too much blood This is a common cause of anemia, especially for women who have heavy … cells for the growing baby. So anemia during pregnancy is common. Sometimes a long-term disease keeps your body from …
HealthLinkBC files
… particularly in rural areas, where hepatitis A is common Immigrants from countries where hepatitis A is common Household or close contacts of adopted children from areas where it is common Food handlers Those with multiple sex partners …
HealthLinkBC files
… It’s sometimes called "slapped cheek" disease. It’s most common in late winter to early spring. What are the symptoms … all people who get fifth disease have no symptoms. The most common signs of fifth disease that differ from other … hands, feet or knees and no other symptoms. This is more common in adults, especially women. The joint pain usually …
Health topics
… lift can raise sagging or drooping breasts, which is a common problem with large, heavy breasts or sometimes after … of pregnancy, weight gain, or weight loss. Risks The most common risks of breast reduction surgery include: Scars. … all of the nipple and areola can also occur, but this isn't common. Other risks of surgery include: Excessive bleeding …
Health topics
… taste (cacogeusia). A decrease in or loss of taste is common in older adults. It is part of the normal aging … (spit) tobacco. Medicine or surgery. Medicines that commonly distort taste include thyroid medicines, captopril, … taste (cacogeusia). A decrease in or loss of taste is common in older adults. It is part of the normal aging …
Health topics
… strains of staph known as MRSA do not respond well to many common antibiotics used to kill bacteria. When methicillin … casual contact or through contaminated objects. It is commonly spread from the hands of someone who has MRSA. This … MRSA is usually not spread through the air like the common cold or influenza (flu) virus, unless a person has …
Health topics
… is easily spread but is not harmful. This infection is most common in children. But teens and adults can also get it, … in people with a weak immune system. The infection is more common in warm, humid climates. How does it spread? The molluscum contagiosum virus commonly spreads through skin-to-skin contact. This includes …