4964 results found
Health topics
… comes from the tightening of the plantar fascia that occurs during sleep. Stretching or massaging the plantar fascia … comes from the tightening of the plantar fascia that occurs during sleep. Stretching or massaging the plantar fascia …
Health topics
… according to how the larger foot feels in the shoe. Stand during the fitting process to get an accurate sense of the … feet are encouraged not to go barefoot, because unnoticed injuries to their feet are more likely to become infected. … feet are encouraged not to go barefoot, because unnoticed injuries to their feet are more likely to become infected. …
Health topics
… on a pillow when you ice it or anytime you sit or lie down during the next 3 days. Try to keep it above the level of … on a pillow when you ice it or anytime you sit or lie down during the next 3 days. Try to keep it above the level of …
Health topics
… adults with some forms of epilepsy . They are about half as common as focal impaired awareness seizures. The person stays awake and aware during the seizure. The seizure may be only a strange smell … adults with some forms of epilepsy . They are about half as common as focal impaired awareness seizures. The person …
Health topics
… know it's safe for your baby. Some medications - including common pain relievers such as Tylenol 3, which contains … have codeine. For more information about medication safety during breastfeeding, discuss with your pharmacist or … before taking any herbal product. Many are not safe during breastfeeding. These include black cohosh, ma huang …
Health topics
… have options other than this procedure, but it is the most commonly used method because it works well and does not … method used to break up kidney stones. But it is the most commonly used method, because it does not require surgery. … Pain from passing stone fragments. This is the most common side effect. Blocked urine flow if stone fragments …
Health topics
… amounts of food after the evening meal, often waking up during the night to eat. People with this condition may … this problem are more likely to be obese. And depression is common in people who have night eating syndrome. Night … this problem are more likely to be obese. And depression is common in people who have night eating syndrome. Night …
Health topics
… fever may be caused by an infection in the pelvic organs . During your period, bacteria can travel up the vagina into … and fallopian tubes and cause an infection. This is more common during menstruation but can occur at any time during … and fallopian tubes and cause an infection. This is more common during menstruation but can occur at any time during …
Health topics
… doctor about when to start taking your pills. Quick start. During your medical appointment, take your first pill as … of your menstrual period, take your first pill. The most common type of pack has 3 weeks of hormone pills. Some packs … of your menstrual period, take your first pill. The most common type of pack has 3 weeks of hormone pills. Some packs …
Health topics
… and then the chin area. The amount of body fat increases during puberty. It's common to develop breast tissue during early-to-middle … area. The amount of body fat increases during puberty. It's common to develop breast tissue during early-to-middle …