6279 results found
Health topics
… helps them latch and suckle. Watch videos to learn more about latching on. Those with larger breasts may need to …
Health topics
… a stool. Slow transit constipation Lack of fibre is a common cause of constipation. Other causes include: … "female"). This will make sure that the tool asks the right questions for you. Do you have moderate or severe belly … that a medicine could be causing the constipation? Think about whether the constipation started after you began …
Health topics
… stomach. This process is called gastroesophageal reflux . Common causes of reflux include: Incomplete closing of the … more slowly. Severity of heartburn Mild heartburn occurs about once a month. Moderate heartburn occurs about once a … "female"). This will make sure that the tool asks the right questions for you. Are you pregnant? Yes, you know that …
Health topics
… sticky colostrum flowing. Watch this video to learn more about Hand Expression. Once breastfeeding is well …
Health topics
… yes to that felt good? Include details. For example, write about where you were, who else was there, and why you said … before saying yes or no. Listen closely. Be curious and ask questions. Then take some space to think about your answer. … before saying yes or no. Listen closely. Be curious and ask questions. Then take some space to think about your answer. …
Health topics
… a curve in your child's spine. You notice that something about your child's posture looks unusual. Examples are ribs … and Tests Scoliosis testing usually starts with questions about the child's past health, plus a physical … like to feel different. So family support is important. A common reason for bracing not working well is that the child …
Health topics
… What is genital herpes? Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) . Most people … genital herpes by examining you. He or she may ask you questions about your symptoms and how you think you were exposed to …
Health topics
… nicotine withdrawal . You feel awful, and you may worry about gaining weight. You get cranky and anxious. It can be … use nicotine replacement products or medicine. If you have questions about this information, print it out and take it … Counsellors can help you with practical ideas to avoid common mistakes and help you succeed. Call 1-866-366-3667 or …
Health topics
… can stop a dangerous reaction. Food allergies are more common in children than in adults. Children sometimes … or fainting. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your past health and family food allergies. And he or …
Health topics
… a specific object, situation, or activity. Having a phobia about something is very different from everyday worry or … or more. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms, including how long you've had them. They will also ask questions about your medical history and any medicines …