6276 results found
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… When enough people breastfeed in public it will become so common, no one will notice If someone has a problem with …
HealthLinkBC files
… hygiene or lives in an unclean environment. Head lice are commonly spread among children and adults who have close … jump or fly from one person to another. They are most commonly spread through head-to-head contact by crawling … of a different type. Irritation from chemical products is common and not a sign that the product is not working. Wet …
Health topics
… Last updated December 1, 2016 Here are some definitions of commonly used physical activity terms. Active living An … doesn't usually improve and is rarely cured completely. Common chronic diseases include heart disease, cancer, …
HealthLinkBC files
… used to control an older person Financial abuse is the most common form of abuse reported by older adults. Examples of … of aging. Some signs may look like health concerns that are common in later life. Older adults who experience abuse or … Abuse and Information Line (SAIL) to receive guidance about your concern. How can abuse and neglect be prevented? …
Health topics
… another pregnancy, you may want to talk to your doctor about genetic counselling. What are the symptoms? The most common sign is an oddly shaped head at birth or by the time … what problems to watch for. Problems after surgery aren't common. It's normal to feel a wide range of emotions when …
Health topics
… is a surgery that flattens the cornea . It's the most common laser surgery for correcting nearsightedness (myopia) … a same-day surgery centre. The operation on one eye takes about 10 to 15 minutes. The entire process usually takes … normal activities within a few days. Dry-eye symptoms are common but usually temporary. You may need to wear an eye …
Health topics
… call your healthcare provider. Here's a look at some of the common complications women may experience - and what to do … vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is more common among women who have been pregnant before than in … membranes When your water breaks, it typically means you're about to go into labour. When your membranes break or leak …
Health topics
… cause strabismus in adults. What are the symptoms? The most common signs of strabismus are: Eyes that don't look in the … limits depth perception.) An older child may also complain about blurred vision, tired eyes, sensitivity to light, or … your child to an eye doctor. How is strabismus treated? Common treatments for strabismus are glasses for mild …
Health topics
… to use the product correctly, and first aid instructions. Common poisonous substances include: Cosmetics, nail care … out of the sight and reach of children. Aspirin is a common source of childhood poisoning, especially flavoured … in an attempt to be like you. Educate your child about the effects of alcohol and medicines. Never call …
Health topics
… of work you do. Your doctor will check your incision in about a week. You may need to take thyroid medicine. If you … voice can be damaged during thyroid surgery. This is less common if you are having a lobectomy rather than a total … or damaged during a total thyroidectomy. This is not as common if you have a lobectomy. Adaptation Date: …