6281 results found
Health topics
… Before having an invasive pain treatment, ask your doctor about his or her experience with that treatment. Also, ask about research that shows how well it works for your … Before having an invasive pain treatment, ask your doctor about his or her experience with that treatment. Also, ask …
Health topics
… . footnote 1 Starting at week 34 of your pregnancy, take about 5 minutes to massage your perineum, 3 to 4 times a … such as Astroglide or K-Y Jelly. Place a thumb or finger about 5 cm (2 in.) into your vagina. Use your thumb or … . footnote 1 Starting at week 34 of your pregnancy, take about 5 minutes to massage your perineum, 3 to 4 times a …
Health topics
… become more intense, exhale in a "pant-pant-blow" pattern, about 6 cycles per minute. As your contraction starts, take … This breathing in and panting out should take about 10 seconds. Repeat this type of breathing until the … become more intense, exhale in a "pant-pant-blow" pattern, about 6 cycles per minute. As your contraction starts, take …
Health topics
… mobile and curious, safety issues become very important. At about 18 months of age, toddlers just start to understand … are and what they're doing so that you can warn them about safety hazards. Take steps to childproof your home. … mobile and curious, safety issues become very important. At about 18 months of age, toddlers just start to understand …
Health topics
… Overview Most parents are nervous about their teenager driving a car. As a parent, you are … teen to drive in these conditions unsupervised. Some things about driving that parents need to emphasize: Don't eat, use … develop our content . … Overview Most parents are nervous about their teenager driving a car. As a parent, you are …
Health topics
… through the mouthpiece or mask. Hold each breath for about 2 seconds. Keep breathing until the medicine is gone … cup. There will be no more mist coming out. This may take about 10 minutes. After each use, clean the mouthpiece or … through the mouthpiece or mask. Hold each breath for about 2 seconds. Keep breathing until the medicine is gone …
Health topics
… 2 diabetes. Being aware of your risk can help you think about whether you might want to make some changes to help … serious health problems. What's next? If you are concerned about your score, talk with your doctor. Together you can … 2 diabetes. Being aware of your risk can help you think about whether you might want to make some changes to help …
Health topics
… Not all natural health products are safe. If you are unsure about the safety of a natural health product, talk to your … are using a natural health product or if you're thinking about combining a natural health product with your standard … Not all natural health products are safe. If you are unsure about the safety of a natural health product, talk to your …
Health topics
… a cigarette. It takes many more puffs to get an effect, about 3 to 4 times more puffs than when you smoke a cigarette. Replace the cartridge after about 20 minutes of active puffing. Puffing on the inhaler … or to slowly reduce the dose. Inhalers are usually used for about 12 weeks, and then use is slowly decreased (tapered …
Health topics
… slows down central vision loss. Photodynamic therapy takes about 20 minutes and may be done in a doctor's office or eye … will want you to come back for a follow-up examination in about a month. Why It Is Done The main treatment for wet AMD … and the abnormal blood vessels begin leaking again after about 3 months. Most people need multiple treatments to get …