6276 results found
Health topics
… bumps to form under the skin. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women than in men. It often starts between the … of your symptoms and test results. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and look at your joints for signs of …
Health topics
… help relieve minor aches and pains. Injuries are the most common cause of elbow pain. Some people may not recall … "female"). This will make sure that the tool asks the right questions for you. Has it been more than a month since the … is causing the problem, follow the instructions you got about how to loosen it. Yes Elbow surgery in the past month …
Health topics
… between the ages of 13 and 21, you will likely have ongoing questions and concerns. Your doctor can help answer your questions. And he or she can guide you to appropriate … plan as your child approaches the teen years. Think about what types of future services will be needed, who will …
Health topics
… may be a good reason. Or it could be a mistake. Always ask questions. Ask—or have a family member ask—for a copy of … is on the list. If it's not, ask why. Talk with the nurse about the medicine they are giving you. Ask, "Can you tell … stop taking. If something doesn't seem right to you, ask questions. Keeping Track of Medicines …
Health topics
… may also have a sour or bitter taste in your mouth. It is common to have symptoms at night when you're trying to sleep. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may ask about your symptoms, such as whether you often have … your doctor will do a physical examination and ask you questions about your health. Your doctor may ask about your …
Health topics
… Many of these problems can get better with home treatment. Common mouth problems include: Sores, such as cold sores … "female"). This will make sure that the tool asks the right questions for you. Do you have an injury to your mouth or … that a medicine could be causing the mouth problem? Think about whether the problem started soon after you began using …
Health topics
… goal. What is a long-term goal that you can reach in about 6 to 12 months? Step 3: Set your short-term goals. How … to yourself can be a treat. Step 6: Review With My Doctor Questions to ask my doctor Any health problems I need to … rate)? Should I change the time I take my medicines? Other questions See your success! Creating this exercise plan is …
Health topics
… donors. Before they donate, volunteers must answer questions about their current health, health history, and any diseases … history, any travel to countries where certain diseases are common, and behaviour that increases your risk for getting …
Health topics
… a rash or sore appears along with the flu-like symptoms. Common tick-borne diseases include: Lyme disease . Rocky … tick-bite fever . Check Your Symptoms Do you have a concern about a tick bite? Yes Tick bite concern No Tick bite … "female"). This will make sure that the tool asks the right questions for you. Could you be having a severe allergic …
Health topics
… testosterone. Testicular cancer is rare. But it is the most common cancer among young people with testicles. Most … early stages of testicular cancer, the lump, which may be about the size of a pea, usually is not painful. Testicular … sperm in a sperm bank. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about sexual problems or whether you …