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Health topics
… that lives in the digestive system of humans. They are common throughout the world. Adult pinworms are about 12 mm … pinworm eggs. Anyone can get pinworms, but they are most common in school-aged children. They are usually spread like … know that they're infected. When symptoms occur, the most common ones are: Itching around the anus. Restless sleep, …
HealthLinkBC files
… and human health. Where do VOCs come from? Many products commonly found in our homes release VOCs through off gassing. For example, formaldehyde, one of the most common VOCs, is a colourless gas with an acrid (sharp and … also be found in some drapes and fabrics, and in certain types of foam insulation. Other indoor sources of VOCs …
Health topics
… bigger and wider than the original injury. Keloids most commonly grow on the breastbone, shoulder, upper chest and … treatment sometimes improves how they look and feel. It is common for keloids to grow back after treatment. When trying … skin. Inject it with medicine. A corticosteroid is the most commonly used medicine for reducing keloids. It is most …
Health topics
… weak. These infections can occur anywhere in the body. Some common sites include the intestines, the urinary tract, and … infections are treated with antibiotics, which are the types of medicines normally used to kill bacteria. VRE … infections are not usually spread through the air like the common cold or influenza (flu) virus unless you have VRE …
Health topics
… can form in any section of the aorta. They are most common in the belly area. This type is called an abdominal … is called a thoracic aortic aneurysm . These are much less common than abdominal aortic aneurysms. A pseudoaneurysm … symptoms may occur if the aneurysm gets bigger. The most common symptoms include belly, chest, or back pain that may …
Health features
… infection of the airways. Early symptoms are similar to the common cold and include sneezing, runny nose, mild fever, …
Health topics
… may drain down the back of the nose into the throat. A less common but more serious type of nosebleed starts in the back … may drain down the back of the nose into the throat. A less common but more serious type of nosebleed starts in the back …
Health topics
… odours, or other things in the environment. The most common migraine triggers are: Stress (either during a … odours, or other things in the environment. The most common migraine triggers are: Stress (either during a …
Health topics
… can suggest OTC medicines that are safe for you. Some common types of OTC medicines you may need to avoid include: … can suggest OTC medicines that are safe for you. Some common types of OTC medicines you may need to avoid include: …
… Pronunciation: ETH-in-il ess-tra-DYE-ole/droh-SPYE-re-none Common Brand Name(s): Yasmin Important: How To Use This … Pronunciation: ETH-in-il ess-tra-DYE-ole/droh-SPYE-re-none Common Brand Name(s): Yasmin Important: How To Use This …