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4230 results found
Health topics
… hours of early labour without the cervix dilating. It's common for women to go to the hospital during early labour … hours of early labour without the cervix dilating. It's common for women to go to the hospital during early labour …
Health topics
… contact with hard or rough surfaces (friction), and some common household chemicals can all cause burns. You can help … burning in the throat and esophagus. Keep the following types of items completely out of reach. Toilet cleaners … contact with hard or rough surfaces (friction), and some common household chemicals can all cause burns. You can help …
Health topics
… level of education is, or how much money they make. It's a common form of violent behaviour and is a major problem in … of the person they are supposed to take care of. Two common types of neglect are: Child neglect . This happens …
Health topics
… Piercing the nose. An object in the nose. This is more common in children, who may put things up their noses. … of illegal drugs , such as cocaine and amphetamines. A less common but more serious type of nosebleed starts in the back … Piercing the nose. An object in the nose. This is more common in children, who may put things up their noses. …
Health topics
… how much time has passed since the poisoning occurred. Some common symptoms that might point to a poisoning include: … They have guidelines on what treatments are needed for all types of poisons. Do not try to make the person vomit. And … how much time has passed since the poisoning occurred. Some common symptoms that might point to a poisoning include: …
Health topics
… parents. Prospective parents in B.C. can consider different types of adoption. Options include adopting from foster … adopting, you may have many questions about the different types of adoptions. There are many emotional and legal … the adoption process Learn more about the different types of adoption and how to get started.   Adoptions …
Medical tests
… the body is dealing with cancer treatment. White blood cell types (WBC differential). The major types of white blood cells are neutrophils , lymphocytes, … in protecting the body. The numbers of each one of these types of white blood cells give important information about …
Health topics
… the chances that your breast cancer will come back. Some types of cancer have a very small chance of coming back. Women who have these types of cancer may not need chemo. There are gene tests … differentiated." Breast cancers are also classified by types, such as hormone-receptor-positive or triple-negative …
Health topics
… It's normal to have a productive cough when you have a common cold. Coughing is often triggered by mucus that … cough. They include: Viral illnesses. After a common cold, a dry cough may last several weeks longer than … by irritation. Allergies. Frequent sneezing is also a common symptom of allergic rhinitis . Medicines called ACE …
Health topics
… of the person they are supposed to take care of. Two common types of neglect are: Child neglect . This happens when … of the person they are supposed to take care of. Two common types of neglect are: Child neglect . This happens …