4230 results found
Health topics
… helpful for your child. A child with DMDD can try different types of counselling. Some types can help them learn to change their thoughts and actions. Other types can help a child learn to better control their …
HealthLinkBC files
… Spanish Document Vietnamese Although there are more than 20 types of rodents in British Columbia, only 3 cause common domestic or farmyard problems. This includes the: … wild deer mouse. HPS has not been associated with the more common indoor mice. For more information visit HealthLinkBC …
Health topics
… Problems Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Self-Care It's common to have painful cramps from your period now and then. … flow and may reduce cramping. Using medicines for pain It's common to have painful cramps from your period now and then. … Problems Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Self-Care It's common to have painful cramps from your period now and then. …
Health topics
… so that new skin can grow in its place. There are different types of chemical peels. Deeper peels give more noticeable … acne scars, mild sun damage, or fine wrinkles in all skin types. They can be done on the face and on other parts of … only on the face. Deep peels are not done on darker skin types, because they bleach the skin. Chemical peels are …
Health topics
… 5 times an hour to more than 30 times an hour. The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. … open while you sleep. Oral breathing devices or other types of devices that you wear while you sleep to help keep … think that I might have sleep apnea. She told me that it is common for older adults to have short lapses in breathing …
Medical tests
… inflammation that can damage an organ. Viruses cause many types of diseases, such as human immunodeficiency virus … sores , chickenpox, measles , influenza (flu), and some types of cancer. Viral tests may be done for viruses such … . Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) . BK virus . Different types of samples are used for a viral test. They include …
Health topics
… light Do you have more than a mild fever ? A mild fever is common with sunburn. Home treatment usually is all that's … highest fevers you've ever had. High fevers are not that common, especially in adults. With a moderate fever : You … medicines can cause the skin to sunburn more easily. A few common examples are: Some antibiotics. Aspirin, ibuprofen …
Health topics
… stimulation (PNS) and spinal cord stimulation (SCS) are two types of electrical nerve stimulation. In either, a small … nerve stimulation help with pain. They don't help for all types of chronic pain. But are generally tried when other … cord stimulation has been found to be helpful for certain types of chronic pain, such as failed back surgery syndrome …
Health topics
… as well as muscles in the face, shoulder, head, and neck . Common symptoms include joint pain, muscle pain, headaches, … as well as muscles in the face, shoulder, head, and neck . Common symptoms include joint pain when you move your jaw. … and manage stress can also help. Dental splints are a common treatment for TMDs. Splints are usually pieces of …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview Breast lumps or changes are a common health worry. You may have many kinds of breast lumps … and breast changes are normal. Non-cancerous breast changes Common, non-cancerous (benign) breast changes include: Sacs … seen on a mammogram before there are any symptoms. The most common symptom of breast cancer is a painless lump. But …