4230 results found
Health topics
… Travel to or were born in places where untreated TB is common, such as Latin America, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, … depend on whether the bacteria are in your lungs (the most common site) or in another part of your body (extrapulmonary … workers, or people who abuse alcohol or drugs. Take some types of medicines, such as long-term corticosteroids , …
Health topics
… at a younger-than-normal age (30 to 40 years old). Some types of abnormal AAT can also damage the liver. AAT … normal, the blood sample can be tested to look for abnormal types of alpha-1 antitrypsin. People who carry the changed … gene may be more at risk for symptoms if they have certain types of alpha-1 antitrypsin. Normal alpha-1 antitrypsin …
Health topics
… called erectile dysfunction or impotence. They are more common as you get older. But there are treatments that can … able to have an orgasm and to ejaculate. What Happens It's common to have erection problems at times. When you have … can treat erection problems that have psychological causes. Commonly used oral medicines include: PDE-5 inhibitors. …
Health topics
Health topics
… to get rid of the germ that's causing the illness. But some types of foodborne illness may be more serious, and you may … . This means that your body has lost too much fluid. Some types of foodborne illness have different or more severe … and very old people, symptoms may last longer. Even the types of foodborne illness that are typically mild can be …
Health topics
… occurs, the lining gets red and swollen. Pink eye is very common. It usually isn't serious and goes away in 7 to 10 … Viral pink eye is often caused by an adenovirus, which is a common respiratory virus that can also cause a sore throat … bacteria enter the eye or the area around the eye. Some common infections that cause pink eye include: Staph …
Health topics
… and grains have other amino acids. Eating these different types of food throughout the day will provide your body with … isn't just found in meat. If you are looking for other types of protein, try some of the following foods: ¾ cup … and grains have other amino acids. Eating these different types of food throughout the day will provide your body with …
Medical tests
… Malaria caused by P. falciparum is more serious than other types and may be treated differently. Percentage of red … Malaria caused by P. falciparum is more serious than other types and may be treated differently. Percentage of red …
HealthLinkBC files
… disease at https://alzheimer.ca/en/about-dementia/other-types-dementia/rare-types-dementia/creutzfeldt-jakob-disease . … …
Health topics
… some things to do before you get started: Think about what types of activities you enjoy or you would like to try. Find … active! Check with your health care provider to see what types and amounts of activities are best for you if you’re …