3919 results found
Medical tests
… of mucus. The stool may be examined for hidden (occult) blood, fat, meat fibres, bile , white blood cells , and sugars called reducing substances. The pH … or months, especially if you have travelled outside the country. This helps your doctor look for the parasites, …
Health topics
… capacity and efficiency Improved systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements Reduced systemic inflammation … medications. Clients should be counselled to track their blood pressure if this is a concern. Exercise or physical … muscles to exhaustion can cause significant spikes in blood pressure. The Valsalva maneuver during resistance …
Health topics
… nosebleeds during pregnancy. That's because there is more blood flow to the tissue inside the nose (mucous membranes) … the directions for cleaning the machine. You also have more blood flow to the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums … prevent nosebleeds during pregnancy. Do not use over-the-counter cold or allergy pills or nasal sprays. They can make …
Medical tests
… for twisting of the spermatic cord . This problem cuts off blood supply to the testicles ( testicular torsion ). Check … ( hydrocele ), fluid in the epididymis (spermatocele), blood in the scrotum (hematocele), or pus in the scrotum … cord. This twisting ( testicular torsion ) cuts off blood supply to the testicles. There is no sign of fluid in …
Health topics
… that always contains your at-work essentials, such as: Your blood sugar meter and supplies. Medicines. Planned snacks … if you don't have access to a refrigerator. Manage your blood sugar. Test your blood sugar every couple of hours. Working night shifts or …
Health topics
… E. coli , and most of them are harmless. But some can cause bloody diarrhea. Some strains of E. coli may also cause … movement. What are the symptoms? You may have symptoms like bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. … water. Be careful when you travel. When you travel to countries that may have unsafe drinking water, don't use ice …
Health topics
… a hip fracture, you may have medical complications such as blood clots, pressure injuries, or pneumonia. The wrist and … risk for osteoporosis. Have symptoms of menopause or have completed menopause and want to discuss whether you should … risk for osteoporosis. Have symptoms of menopause or have completed menopause and want to discuss whether you should …
Health topics
… arterial disease of the legs. In Leriche's syndrome, blood flow in the aorta is blocked in the stomach area. This blocks blood flow to the legs. In men, blood flow to the penis is also blocked. The following …
… professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific … severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other … cardiac death) Low levels of potassium or magnesium in the blood may also increase your risk of QT prolongation. This …
… professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific … severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other … cardiac death) Low levels of potassium or magnesium in the blood may also increase your risk of QT prolongation. This …