3919 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… spread from one infected person to another by contact with blood or body fluids. The virus may also be spread by using items that have blood on them, such as a toothbrush, razor, or needles used …
Health topics
… problems, such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, or high blood pressure. A list of the medicines you are taking. Include prescription and over-the-counter medicines, and natural health products. For each … Any health screening results, such as those for blood pressure, cholesterol, vision, and hearing. Any cancer …
Health topics
… where valley fever occurs. You may have a chest X-ray and blood tests. In some cases, the doctor may take samples of … with your doctor. You may have a chest X-ray or another blood test after several months to make sure. There is no … where valley fever occurs. You may have a chest X-ray and blood tests. In some cases, the doctor may take samples of …
Health topics
… Animal phobias, such as being afraid of spiders or dogs. Blood-injection-injury phobias, such as being afraid of blood or getting a shot (injection). Situational phobias, … Animal phobias, such as being afraid of spiders or dogs. Blood-injection-injury phobias, such as being afraid of …
Health topics
… a filler injection, avoid alcohol use and stop taking any blood-thinning medicine. This includes aspirin, any other … filler injection, including anaphylactic shock , sepsis, blood clot in the retinal artery leading to blindness, skin … a filler injection, avoid alcohol use and stop taking any blood-thinning medicine. This includes aspirin, any other …
Health topics
… concerns about lead exposure, talk to your doctor. A simple blood test can find out the amount of lead in your blood. Avoid fish high in mercury. Limit high-mercury fish … concerns about lead exposure, talk to your doctor. A simple blood test can find out the amount of lead in your blood. …
Medical tests
… Results Your doctor will likely get back to you with complete results in 1 to 2 days. Low-dose CT scan to screen … Results Your doctor will likely get back to you with complete results in 1 to 2 days. Low-dose CT scan to screen …
Health topics
… Rate your relief from 0 to 3 (where 0 is no relief and 3 is complete relief). An example of a monthly chart follows. Day … Rate your relief from 0 to 3 (where 0 is no relief and 3 is complete relief). An example of a monthly chart follows. Day …
Health topics
… medicine if your scabies does not go away with over-the-counter treatment. Be sure to read and follow all … to daycare or school the day after the first treatment is completed. Some scabies medicines aren't safe for infants … to daycare or school the day after the first treatment is completed. Some scabies medicines aren't safe for infants …